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. R a n t i n g s .

I hate it when people ask me to label who I am.. it's very annoying also when they drag on and on about it.. I am me. that's that.
Conversation, to me, must be interesting.. a good long talk keeps me interested in whomever I talk with.. that goes without saying. I tend to be easily distracted, or lose interest fast in a lot of conversations.. but.. set in the right topic, like.. music and I will talk all night. I especialy love those talks that last till sunrise, and you forget how the conversation began. That's how you know you've found someone you are totally comfortable with.
What sucks is.. when I get lured into a mindnumbing convo. and I'm too damn nice to interrupt the person so I can escape.. that gets a tad annoying.. maybe now I'll be more direct when listening to these drunk morons.
Overall, if you have something interesting to talk about that needs more than 10 minutes to explain, then. I'm all ears! A big plus is a two-way conversation.. I love to talk just as much as listen.. giving my opinion is my nature! hee hee
ok kids.. next topic...

This pretty lil' area is basically my thoughts and feelings on a couple topics.This is so you can peek into my freakish brain and see what my opinions are.....if you don't really care about my personal feelings and opinions...well then you can a peer at some personal bio. here or on Death over there on the left.

Yea Yea...I's a cheezy emotional topic, but I find it to be very important. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't mean being "popular" is important...I mean, having at least a few good close friends is essential. I hold each and every one of my dear friends closely, and protectively. Each and evey one of them likes me for me, not for how I look, what music I like, what color my eyes..etc. are...All that external stuff has no meaning, it's what's on the inside that counts (oh geez)

Since I was young..I have gone through many changes..internal and friends have stayed by my side the whole time, and that is one of the major reasons that they mean so much to me. They will always back my choices up...I'll always be good ol' Jen, even though my appearance might change from time to time....what do you expect? Nobody stays exactly the same, and I like it that keeps me from getting bored with my friends. That might sound harsh...getting bored....but think about it, if your friends never really would get kinda boring don't you think?

There are a lot of times when I need my space, and need to be alone, but I will always want a few special friends have a shoulder to cry on, to laugh with, to act like we're five years old again....stuff like that is hard to do if you're alone. Ok..I'll stop with the mushy heart-felt ramblings

Well, that's all I can think of right brain hurts from all the thinking...come back later, maybe I'll have some more silly rantings up for you to feast your greedy lil' eyes upon.

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