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Light A Candle

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for all of the famillies that are suffering

I have lit this candle in memory of the people who tragically lost their lives in the terrible attack on America on 11th September 2001.This was indeed a very sad day in history.The families and friends of the victims are in my prayers.
God Bless All

This candle is for every patriot that is, was, and ever will be.
America lives forever!

1)For Christians who are under attack worldwide.
2)For my late son, Michael..i love you!


This candle is for all the innocent lives that was taken from us.


for our country to stay strong and for the ones we lost'

for my daughter elizabeth who went thru major surgery


to all those who lost their lives



Why did this tradgedy happen?
Why did the terrorists come from the sky?
Why did all those innocent people,
Have to suffer and die?

I don't think there are any answers;
Not for us to understand.
It goes far beyond our reasoning;
I don't think we ever can.

We only know how sad we feel;
The pain we feel inside.
Pain that all the world can see.
It's impossible to hide.

I know that I will always feel;
This sadness in my heart.
For all those precious loved ones;
Whose lives were ripped apart.

Let us join our hands together;
And pray with one another.
For all those affected by this horrible act;
Our sister and our brother.

Let us show who did this deed;
That we are one, and we are free.
That this United States of ours;
Is all one Family!!!!!!!!

God Bless Our America!!!!!

Written by Betty Hawkins 9/12/2001

For all that were injured or died on the day of terrorism

To our fallen brothers and sisters in New York and Washington D.C.,
my thoughts and prayers are with families and friends of those who lost loved ones.


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