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Light A Candle
Light A Candle

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This candle is lit for all the people who have died in the horrifying attack in New York and Washington. I hope and pray that those who are left behind will find the strength to deal with their loss. The events on 11 September 2001 did not only hit America, they hit the rest of the world too. The hearts of the people in Holland go out to all the victims who have suffered or died. I'm sure that a crime as unforgiveble as this, can never go unpunished. May the people responsible be found and brought to justice, and may the governments in the whole world have the wisdom to join forces and work together to fight terrorism and prevent attacks like these ever to happen again.


1) For my son Michael, who is waiting for us
2) To my Pastors, Dan & Eunice who give hope and strength
3) To my husband Ray, who holds my heart in his hand

For all of those who have perished and for all of their loved ones,
May God Bless all of you.

To all the families who have been victimized by these tragic events, May God be with you and bring you peace of mind, spirit and soul and always remember the ones you thought had to leave you behind, really didn't. They are now angels watching over you in heaven and one day we shall all meet again with no sorrow or rememberance of the pain, but only with joy to fill all our hearts of being reunited.

Let their deaths not be in vain. We the survivors must fight to create a better world.

To all who have served and to those who have perished in an effort that we all might be free.


l want too pray that God give them peace in there hearts and forgiveness and love . Lord be with the familly who lost the love ones and comfort them and have them get too know you as the Lord and savor in there life.


In Loving Memory Of Mildred Newman
American Airlines Fight 11
A loving and kind person to all
We will remember you always.

I lite these candles for my friend of Women Who Belileve
(An online Group Of Wonderful women)
Sherry ~ CoFounder has an uncle unaccountable for
Donna ~ A co-worker that was on flight 175 that crashed in the WTC
Julie ~ Brother is MIA, worked in the Pentagon
Winter-Starr ~ Just found out 3 family members worked at the WTC and are still unaccountable

God Bless America!!!! This can only make us stronger!!


For all that lost their lives or were injured,and their families in this terrible act of terrorism.


All though I live in the United Kingdom. When I saw what happend in the U.S.A I was gobsmacked i couldn't belive it had happend. My thoughts and prays go to the peolpe of who have lost loved ones in this terrible act of terrisum. I hope that who every was responsible that the are brought to justice.


I would like to say that my heart and prayers go out to all families who had victims in this terrible tragedy. My father works at the White House and it's scary. I'm just gonna keep on praying and i know that we will get the terrorists that are doing this to our country.
Why did God let this happen?



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