If gardening space is limited or digging in the dirt is not practical, then container and patio gardening might be for you. The containers and plant combinations are nearly limitless. This form of gardening can be especially regarding for those who have only a deck or balcony on which to grow plants. Growing plants in containers is very different than growing plants in the ground. The type soil chosen for container growing must be well drained to prevent problems with excess moisture , poor aeration and root problems.
Commercial potting mixes called "soiless mixtures" are ideal for container growing. They do not contain soil but various combinations of vermiculite and peatmoss plus either perlite or ground pine bark. Most commercial mixtures usually come with fertilizers and lime added. It is always wise to add a slow-release fertilizer for continued feeding of your plants. The varieties of containers one could use is almost endless. Color, size and texture are important, however, the most important consideration when choosing a container is whether it has adequate drainage holes. Container size is also important. Outdoor container plants, especially rapidly growing plants such as summer flowering annuals, need adequate space for root development. Small pots restrict root growth, dry out too fast, and often result in limited growth and flowering. Think in terms of containers holding several gallons of potting mixture. These will produce the most attractive and healthy plants. Recommended Plants for Container Gardening