Roy Stephen Scoggins

Hi, I am Roy Stephen Scoggins. I was born in July,1991. I like , Basketball, Golf, Harry Potter Books, Fishing with my dad, my dog Shadow, RA's, School (I completed fourth grade and I get A's and B's on my report card), and video games. I also like cartoons.

The song that plays here is from a neat website called "The Hampster Dance" it is at I think it is a lot of fun. My Dad put this song on my page cause I like it.

Roy in 10th Grade now!

I know it seems I forgot, but here is my newest picture. I'm in 10th grade now and my favorite class is still NJROTC. I was promoted to NJROTC Cadet Ranking of E-4 (Petty Officer Third Class) in March 2006.

This is my December, 1999 Picture.

This is my Sunday School Picture. That's me and one of my teachers for the Amazing Bible Memory Verse Contest. I had to memorize a bunch of Bible verses, and when I did, they gave me a certificate. Dad took it to work and put it in a piece of plastic ( It was a lot of fun.

This is my dog, Shadow. He is a Bichon Frise. He is very smart, but he likes to get into the garbage. Dad yells at him when he does, and he runs and hides behind Mom.

This a picture of me and Shadow at the hotel outside Dollywood last summer. Shadow sleeps with me sometimes.

This is my 1999 picture with Santa!!! He brought me everything I asked for!!! I had a really great Christmas this year!!!!

Daddy added this cool file of the Star ship Enterprise from Star Trek. I really like Star Trek, all the shows, even the old ones with Captain Kirk.

Page updated May 28, 2000 at 2:00 p.m.

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