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Listed below are the steps you will need to take to create a 3rd Edition (3e) Dungeons and Dragons character.
It is advised that you wait for your game master to create a character as his house rules may greatly effect the outcome of your character's existance.

1) Roll your attributes. Click the link marked "Stats" to read a description for the first step in character creation.
2) Choose a race that will represent you in the D&D world. Possible races include: human, elf, dwarf, half-orc, half-elf, gnome, and halfling. Click on the "RACE" link in the table to the left to view the pros and cons of each race.
3) Choose the class/classes you would like to portray in the D&D world. Click the link marked "Class" on the left to view the different classes.
4) Pick your skills. The link on the right labeled "Skills" will give you a detailed description of the skills you may choose to give your character, as well as which skills are available to each class.
5) Choose your feats. Feats are extraordinary abilities that are available to your particular race/class. Click on the link to the right marked "Feats" to decide which of these you would like.
6) Purchase your equipment. On the link to the right you will find a list of equipment as well as the starting gold of your particular class.
7) Choose your spells. Several classes have the ability to cast spells. Clicking on the link labeled "Spells" will show you descriptions of the different spells as well as availability to your class.
8) Choose a name, gender, apearance, etc..


2) Race

3) Class

4) Skills

5) Feats

6) Gear

7) Spells