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2) Race

3) Class

4) Skills

5) Feats

6) Gear

7) Spells


Choose Your Character's Race

Your character's race plays an intricate role in the outlook, attitude, and belief system that your character posessess. Be sure to choose your race carefully. Following are the prime races of the world of Tundara.

Humans-are the minority on Tundara. Human civilizations are scattered over the vast landmasses and communities of large size have grown since the arrival of the first "man" some thousand years ago.
Elves- are the eldest race of humanoids. They embody grace and wisdom.
Dwarves- are the sturdy folk of mountains and caves. They are chief crafters and miners. Quick to temper, they are the first to enter a fight and the last to complain about fatigue.
Half-elves-are generally the offspring of elves and humans. Though these relations are frowned upon in both societies, they are also vastly uncommon.

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