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2) Race

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5) Feats

6) Gear

7) Spells



Personality:slow to laugh and suspicious of strangers, but generous to those few who earn their trust. They value gold, gems, and jewelry and have been known to succumb to greed. Their sense of justice is strong.
Physical Description:dwarves stand 4-41/2 feet tall. They are broad and usually weigh almost as much as humans. Their skin is tan to dark brown with hair being usually black, graym, or brown and almost always worn long. Dwarves are considered adults at age 50 and live to be over 400 years old.
Racial Traits+2 con, -2 cha, dwarves can see in the dark up to 60 feet, +2 on checks to notice unusual stonework, +2 saving throws against poison and spell-like effects, +4 dodge against giants
Favored Class:Fighter

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