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Blue Butterfly
Selecting the Plants
Red Butterfly
Trees, Flowers & Vegetables
Now a decision must be made on the type of plants to be grown. Some trees grow very tall, whereas shrubs will grow up to approximately 5 metres. For those people living in a suburban house who would like to plant trees, it is suggested that natives, adapted to the area be used. Gum trees, as shown above, grow very large and can become a problem. There are other more suitable natives, e.g. Wattles, which grow quickly, however, they have a short life span of approximately 5 - 10 years. Fruit trees are good garden trees as they are generally smaller, can be pruned and they bear a very useful product! Vegetables and herbs also give good results for your labour and flowers are always pleasing to the eye. However, the plants chosen will depend on various factors, e.g. the available space, time and inclination.