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Learning & Fun

Two Attacks are Better than One!

  • Discovered Attack

    An attack given by one piece when another friendly piece or pawn moves out of the way. Also known as a Discovery.

  • Double Attack

    A simultaneous attack directed against two separate targets, which may be enemy me or squares.

  • Double Check

    A discovered check when the chessman being moved out of the way is also checking the King. In most cases, the only way to escape a double check is to move the King.

  • Double Threat

    Two separate threats, not nesessarily made by the same unit.

You Dare to Smite Me?

  • Battery

    Two or more pieces of like power attacking together along the same line of squares in any direction. Two Rooks or a Rook and a Queen can form a battery along a rank or file, and a bishop and a Queen can establish one along a diagonal.

  • Counterattack

    An attack mounted by the defender or a player who is apparently defending. This is commonly achieved with either another technique or by placing the king in check.

  • Jettison

    Forcing your opponent to sacrafice material to save the King or to avoid the loss of even greater material.

  • Lever

    A pawn attack at the base of an opponent's pawn chain. More often, any pawn advance leading to breakthrough pawn exchanges.

  • Trapping

    Winning a unit that has no escape, usually by attacking it with less valuable units.

The Less Obvious...

  • Decoys

    Used to lure the opponent into moving somewhere she or he would not ordinarily move. Usually material "gifts" to the opponent; the more valuable the gift, the more tempting the Decoy becomes. Remember that losing a Queen is always worth checkmate!

  • Deflection

    Luring a defending piece away from its post.

  • Overload

    To tax with too many tasks, such as a chessman unable to follow through on a superficial defense of two different squares.

  • Removing the Defender

    Making a chessman vulnerable by capturing, luring away, or immobilizing its protector.

  • X-Rays

    A Skewer attack or defense along a rank, file or diagonal. Either it drives away the enemy man in front of another enemy man to expose the back on to capture, or it protects a friendly man through an enemy man in the middle along the same line of power.

  • Zwischenzug

    A German term meaning "In-between move" in English. Generally a finesse, played instead of a more obvious, inferior move.