The Less Obvious...
Used to lure the opponent into moving somewhere she or he would not ordinarily move. Usually material "gifts" to the opponent; the more valuable the gift, the more tempting the Decoy becomes. Remember that losing a Queen is always worth checkmate!
Luring a defending piece away from its post.
To tax with too many tasks, such as a chessman unable to follow through on a superficial defense of two different squares.
Removing the Defender
Making a chessman vulnerable by capturing, luring away, or immobilizing its protector.
A Skewer attack or defense along a rank, file or diagonal. Either it drives away the enemy man in front of another enemy man to expose the back on to capture, or it protects a friendly man through an enemy man in the middle along the same line of power.
A German term meaning "In-between move" in English. Generally a finesse, played instead of a more obvious, inferior move.