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StarCraft Legacy Realms Basics: Spells





Corsair Disruption Web
High Templar Psionic Storm
Summon Archon

Dark Archon Mind Control

Arbiter Recall
Medic Restoration
Optical Flare

Vulture Spider Mines

Wraith Cloaking
Ghost Personal Cloaking

Science Vessel EMP
Defense Matrix
Queen Spawn Broodling

Defiler Plague
Dark Swarm

Note: Always get Energy Upgrades for these units to maximize their spell power.

Spell Descriptions:



Disruption Web

Casting: Corsair - 150 Energy
Research: 200 M  200 G at Fleet Beacon
Effects: Immobilizes ground defense structures


Psionic Storm

Casting: High Templar - 75 Energy
Research: 200 M  200 G at Templar Archives
Effects: Casts electrical storm over clusters of enemies.  This a good attack against swarms of enemies, land or air.



Casting: High Templar - 100 Energy
Research: 200 M  200 G at Templar Archives
Effects: Creates two fake duplicates of the unit it is cast on; good for recon, creating diversions, and damage soaking.


Summon Archon

Casting: Merge two High Templars
Research: N/A
Effects Summons Archon


Mind Control

Casting: Dark Archon - 200 Energy and All Shield Points
Research: 200 M  200 G at Templar Archives

Steals a unit from an enemy; use on expensive and powerful units.



Casting: Dark Archon - 50 Energy
Research: N/A
Effects: Targeted spell that when cast on a unit, that unit lose all of its mana and will take an amount of damage equal to the mana lost.


Casting: Dark Archon - 100 Energy
Research: 100 M 100 G at Templar Archives
Effects Area of effect spell (same size as Ensnare) that will stun (cannot move or attack) all organic units for several seconds.


Casting: Arbiter - 150 Energy
Research: 150 M  150 G at Arbiter Tribunal
Effects: Opens a 5x5 wormhole which teleports all friendly units in the wormhole to the caster.


Stasis Field

Casting: Arbiter - 100 Energy
Research: 150 M  150 G at Arbiter Tribunal
Effects: All units in the Stasis Field are trapped. While trapped, the units cannot be damaged, move, attack, or use special abilities. Lasts for about 40 seconds.






Casting: Medic - 50 Energy
Research: 100 M  100 G at Academy
Effects: The Medic may use this ability on any unit to remove harmful effects such as Lockdown, Optic Flares, Irradiate, Plague, Ensnare and Parasites (does not affect Stasis Field).


Optical Flare

Casting: Medic - 75 Energy
Research: 100 M  100 G at Academy
Effects: The sight range of the targeted unit is permanently reduced to 1 matrix, unless the condition is Restored by a Medic. This also removes any detection ability that unit may possess.



Casting: Medic - 1 Energy for every 2HP
Research: N/A
Effects: The Medic starts with this ability and may use it to heal damage done to any biological units, including the Protoss Zealot, Dark Templar, High Templar and all Zerg ground units.


Spider Mines

Casting: Vulture - Spider Mine
Research: 100 M  100 G at Machine Shop
Effects: The mine first embeds itself into the ground and then cloaks. Once a target is acquired, the Spider mine raises up out of the ground and attacks the enemy.



Casting: Wraith - 25 Energy to cloak and 1Energy per second cloaked
Research: 100 M  100 G at Control Tower
Effects: Cloaked units disappear to a faint shimmer, and cannot be targeted by enemy attacks or single-unit special abilities like Lockdown.


Personal Cloaking

Casting: Ghost - 25 Energy to cloak and 1Energy per second cloaked
Research: 100 M  100 G at Covert ops
Effects: Cloaked units disappear to a faint shimmer, and cannot be targeted by enemy attacks or single-unit special abilities like Lockdown.



Casting: Ghost - 100 Energy
Research: 200 M  200 G at Covert ops
Effects: Targets mechanical units shorting out circuitry of target, rendering it immobile for about 60 seconds.



Casting: Ghost - Inmobile for a while
Research: 400 M  400 G at Nuclear Silo
Effects: In order to call down the nuclear strike, the Ghost must remain stationary and "paint" the target with a visible laser. The missile will take several seconds to launch and home in on the target, and if the Ghost is killed or incapacitated during this time the missile will abort and cause no damage.


EMP (Electro-Magnetic Pulse) ShockWave

Casting: Science Vessel - 100 Energy
Research: 200 M  200 G at Science Facility
Effects: Upon impact, the shields of any units (Protoss) are dispersed bringing them to 0. The energy of any unit caught within the EMP blast is also set to 0.



Casting: Science Vessel - 75 Energy
Research: 150 M  150 G at Science Facility
Effects: Target unit becomes radioactive for 30 seconds. All air and ground units within 2 matrices of affected unit receive up to 250 hit points of damage including the affected unit itself. You can target any unit but only organic units will receive damage.


Defensive Matrix

Casting: Science Vessel - 100 Energy
Research: N/A
Effects: Gives 250 HP non-regenerating shield to target unit. After about 30 seconds, the effect wears off even if the shields haven't run out of HP.




Spawn Broodlings

Casting: Queen - 150 Energy
Research: 200 G and 200 M at Queen Nest
Effects: Queens can launch a small spore cluster to a target non-robotic ground unit. The spores then attempt to fertilize within any organic matter in the target, even making their way through armored shells to reach their organic destination. The spores metabolize the victim immediately and within a few seconds, the spores gestate and produce a pair of Broodlings which, upon an explosive birth, destroy the host.



Casting: Queen - 75 Energy
Research: 100 G and 100 M at Queen Nest
Effects: A web of sticky green fluid is ejected over a small area, affecting all units caught beneath it. The affected area covers a 4x4 matrix and lasts for approximately 40 seconds. Once a unit is caught by an Ensnare, its movement is cut in half. Note that this ability is indiscriminate in its effects and you can potentially get your own units caught.



Casting: Queen - 75 Energy
Research: N/A
Effects: The Queen can produce and attach a remora-like Parasite to any other unit, organic or not. These parasites give their Queen the ability to see everything the affected unit can see. These Parasites, once attached, are difficult to remove and can be destroyed either by killing the host unit or having a Medic use her Restoration ability on the host unit. Zerg Drones that have been Parasited can destroy the Parasite by morphing into a structure. In any other situation, the Parasite will survive for as long as the host unit is alive and will continue to share the affected unit's vision with the Queen. Note that this ability works only with units -- buildings of any kind cannot be Parasited.



Casting: Defiler - 150 Energy
Research: 200 G and 200 M at Defilers Mound
Effects: Plague is indiscriminate in its effects and can seriously damage both units and structures, friendly or not. Once the corrosion process begins, Plague will cause 25 points of damage per second to each affected unit. After Plague has run its course, an affected unit will have taken 300 total damage, though Plague will not cause a unit to actually die (the Plague continues, but damage from Plague stops if a unit has only 1 HP).


Dark Swarm

Casting: Defiler - 100 Energy
Research: N/A
Effects: The Dark Swarm covers a 6x6 matrix area and lasts approximately 60 seconds. Ground units within the cloud cannot be hit by ranged attacks from either ground or air, however this will not stop melee attacks or splash damage from affecting the units inside the Dark Swarm. Note that while ranged attacks will not affect units within the cloud, ranged attacks from units inside the cloud can still hit units outside of the cloud. Also, ranged attacks from units within the cloud will not work against other units inside of the Dark Swarm.



Casting: Defiler - None
Research: 100 G and 100 M at Defilers Mound
Effects: Consume gives Defilers the ability to instantly gain 50 energy by metabolizing a Zerg unit within close proximity. The Defiler can only consume units from its own brood (yours or your teammate's). This ability does not affect the Defiler's maximum energy capacity, and therefore can never give more than 200 energy(or 250 if the Defiler has been evolved with a Metasynaptic Node).