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About DohSoft

We are a team of two people who just try to make cool computer games, and, most importantly, we do it for fun! Our home base is Haag < Lower Austria < Austria < Europe < Earth. And, by the way, we are _not_ a real software company, we only use this kind of name cause it sounds cool and we needed some title to release under!

I (Clemens Hofreither) am the only programmer, I have been programming since about 1995, and I use C++ for my projects; I also did most of the sound effects for Hit&Run. My brother Florian Hofreither is the other member, he mostly does graphics and level design. We both try to discuss general game ideas so that our games are as entertaining to play as possible; in these discussions, my brother usually is the guy who makes propositions off the top of his head and I (as the programmer) am the moron who says 'Come on, you can't be real, we can never do that, we're not [put name of renowned game company here]!' ;D. Anyway, somehow we managed to get something entertaining done so far, so maybe the approach isn't too bad.
You can contact us at