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Welcome to the home of DohSoft!

We are a team of two people making games "just for fun" - both for our and your fun. Go to the About Us section if you want to know more about who we are and why we make games. At this time, we want to release our games totally free, so you might want to go over to the Games section. Our first finished game Hit&Run is now available in both the (original) German version and the translated English version!

This site is simply a place where you can view our finished projects (only one so far), watch our progress in new games and download stuff. I might also post some technical articles (game programming tutorials and the like) later on, especially about our new OpenGL project.


April 7 2002 Murphy's Law
Don't you hate this kind of things? Just when I needed my computer most (not exactly for my projects, but for RealLife(tm)), more than one week ago, it crashed and left me with a non-working system. I spent days trying to get a system working, decided to upgrade to Windows 2000, got it working, and... two days later it crashed again. It was about then that I had a sneaking suspicion that something's wrong with my PC. So, some experimenting later I realized that my RAM was faulty somehow. To summarize:
Bad Things: I've lost about a week of time, I'm stuck with pathetic 64 MB of RAM I had lying around for now, I have no proper GL driver for my card yet.
Good Things: Fortunately, my hard drive still works; I finally did away with that crappy Win95 and upgraded to Win2k.

What I'm actually trying to say is it's not my fault I didn't reply to my email and didn't update the site (then again, there have been longer breaks).

BTW, for something entirely different: I forgot to mention that you have to unpack the H&R map editor into your H&R directory. Hope you got it working.
March 25 2002 H&R map editor available
Due to a request, I have made the Hit&Run map editor available here on the site. Now everyone who is so inclined can make their own levels or campaigns to Hit&Run and send them to me so I can make them publicly available. Head over to the Games section to download the zip file, it's tiny and includes everything you need to get you started.
March 25 2002 New project: Network gaming environment
As I just don't have enough time to continue such a huge project as the terrain engine at the moment (nor the motivation, to be honest: it all seems so overwhelming), I've decided to start a new project that seems more likely to be finished in a couple of weeks, a program designed to let the user create network games. Visit the Projects page to read all about it.
January 25 2002 Models
Now that was the longest break in recorded history. To be honest, I still can't promise regular updates for a while, sorry.
Anyway, I just added some simple model loading support to the engine. Currently it's only MD2 (Quake 2) models, but eventually I'll need something better. I've also thrown in some A* pathfinding code, but it's not tested yet.
August 17 2001 Engine release v0.5
Yes, and again there's a new version of the engine available, and there are quite some nice new features in there. BTW, since I believe I have now reached a directory layout and data set I can work with, I will start posting more updates instead of full engine releases; this will save me upload- and you download time.
August 06 2001 Water
I've implemented water surfaces in my terrain engine. While it's admittedly a rather simple implementation, it adds a lot of realism to the landscapes and can really produce some gorgeous screenshots. Okay, there's still no new demo, but just hold your breath a little longer...
July 26 2001 I'm back; plus: New texturing algorithm
I just returned from a week of... well, vacation would be the wrong word, but let's just leave it at that... Anyway, I finally got around to uploading some stuff that might interest you guys out there.
The old terrain texture looked rather boring, so I sat down and coded a new texturing algorithm. In addition to height, it also takes into account slope for its calculations, works on an arbitrary number of input textures and is highly configurable. You can have a look at a couple screenshot of it in the Current Projects section; if you are a do-it-yourself type of person or are interested in the inner workings, you might want to have a look at the Texturing doc I put on the site. However, you'll have to wait for 0.5 to be released to be able to try it out yourself.
July 11 2001 Console & particle effects LIVE
Yes, there's another demo available. Get it and check out those effects in motion!
July 9 2001 Console & particle effects
I've been busy working on a console and particle effects. Check out the new screen shots!
July 1 2001 New engine version v0.3 release
Phew, it's been a while... but I have been busy, and there's a new version of the engine with a bunch of new features available in the Current Projects section. Among other, you can now check out the trees I promised you, and there's a configuration file for you to play around with.
June 21 2001 Minor engine enhancements
The terrain engine now has support for sprites; you can check it out in the Current Projects section by looking at the new screenshot, which shows trees. The really important changes, however, are going on "under the hood" because I'm at the moment trying to build some hierarchy into it.
June 17 2001 Terrain v0.2 online
The first version of the terrain engine tech demo had severe compatibility problems, so I sat down and tried to fix this. There's a new version of it online in the Current Projects section, so please help me by downloading and trying it!
By the way, there is now a review for Hit&Run on (thanks to whoever did this!).
June 8 2001 Hit&Run translated!
Okay, worst stress is over, I have some time now to work on my projects. Good news for all you people who have been waiting for Hit&Run in English: yes, I've made the effort and translated it to English, finally! Go to the Games section and download it right now, I think it's really worth it! (Besides translating it was a really tedious and boring job, so you'd better appreciate this. ;)
I'm having some problems with my terrain engine: I couldn't find any(!) system so far on which it ran flawlessly except for mine, I really don't know what's wrong; I'll probably post sort of a debug version of it soon so I can - with your cooperation - make it compatible.
June 3 2001 Terrain technology demo online
Sorry for the delay, I had some problems ISP-wise (flatrate cancelled...)
Anyway, I have just uploaded the first interactive demo for our landscape engine, head right over to the Current Projects section and grab it! I have also added a request counter for the Hit&Run translation to English.
May 30 2001 Construction phase finished
The site is finally in some usable state, I have now added at least some short info for each section; Hit&Run is downloadable, and I have screenshots of both HnR and our current project, a terrain engine/game. However, updates will follow quite frequently! I also removed the "under construction" note to reflect the state of the site.
May 29 2001 Start of design
I started to design the site; I decided to keep the design simple so that I can easily change it if and when new needs arise, and so that browser support is not a problem and loading times are not too long. (If they are, blame our server!)