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Internet Guide to the Best of the Kids & Family Sites

Internet Guide to the Best of the Kids & Family E-Zine Articles
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Keep Your Kids Safe Online
By Colleen Moulding

Thousands of children and young people use the Internet every day without any problems at all, but we've all heard about its darker side and the danger they could find themselves in. Here are ten quick tips to make sure that your kids enjoy using this wonderful resource without putting themselves at risk... Read more...

Observing Children
By Sharon White

It goes without saying that constant observations lead to a better understanding of the development and needs of children. They help child care practitioners to gain knowledge to allow practitioners to promote these developments and meet these needs. Observations can be carried out by various means...


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A Healthy Breakfast For Your Child
By Carolyn Joana

Breakfast is usually the time when you're busiest - what with packing your kids off to school, looking after the house and rushing to work too. Often moms give a ready-to-serve breakfast with sweet cereals and cereal bars which do not have much of a nutrition profile to boast of.  Read more...
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