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How to Make Christmas Skittles
By S. Roberts
Have you heard people say that toddlers always prefer the box and the rubbish rather than the present inside? Fun and funky kid’s skittles and Christmas pudding bowling ball and all made from rubbish! The ideal Christmas present for younger brothers and sisters. Best of all each skittle is made from a Yazoo milkshake bottle, and somebody needs to drink the delicious milkshake drink!

You will need a pack of 6 mini Yazoo milkshakes. Empty the bottles and rinse the bottles out and leave them to drain until they are completely dry.

Each bottle now needs a thin layer of paper mache. This makes the bottles easier to paint and it covers the ridges on the bottle. Rip up newspapers into small squares. Mix some PVA glue with two parts water and with a paintbrush, stick the newspaper pieces to the bottles so that they are completely covered. Allow to dry over night.

Now you can paint your bottles in festive designs such as, a penguin from Lapland, a snowman, a Christmas tree, a robin, Rudolf and Father Christmas.

To make the bowling ball, scrunch up two sheets of newspaper into a ball and add some selotape so that it keeps its ball like shape. Then apply 3 or 4 layers of paper mache. Allow to dry overnight.

Paint the bowling ball to look like a Christmas pudding with cream drizzled over it and with a sprig of holly on the top.

When all the paint is dry you can test it out. Set the skittles out to form a triangle. 3 skittles in the back row, 2 skittles in the middle row and one skittle at the front. Try to knock all the skittles over with the Christmas pudding.

To make the game harder you can put some sand inside each bottle to weight it slightly.

You could also write points on the bottom of each skittle and make a point scoring system.

You could make a larger set of skittles by using the larger bottles of Yazoo milkshake, and then you would have more milkshake to guzzle!

S. Roberts writes for an educational website packed with fun things to do and make to make Christmas time magical and inspirational. Kids can also email Santa their Christmas Wishes Skittle images can be seen here

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A Healthy Breakfast For Your Child
By Carolyn Joana

Breakfast is usually the time when you're busiest - what with packing your kids off to school, looking after the house and rushing to work too. Often moms give a ready-to-serve breakfast with sweet cereals and cereal bars which do not have much of a nutrition profile to boast of.  Read more...
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