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3000BC The Megalithic tombs are constructed,(Newgrange).

 700BC The Celts arrive from parts of Gaul and Britain.

 350AD  Christianity reaches Ireland.

 432    St. Patrick arrives in Ireland and confronts King
Laoghaire who allows him to spread the word of
Christianity in Ireland.

700-800 Monastic culture is at its height.

795 Invasion by the Vikings.

1014   Brian Boru defeats the Vikings at Clontarf.

1169    Dermot MacMurrough, the exiled king of Leinster,
seeks help from 'Strongbow'.

1172    King Henry II of England is declared Feudal Lord
of Ireland by the Pope.

1366    Statues of Kilkenny belatedly forbid intermarriage
of English and Irish. Gaelic culture unsuccessfully

1534-40 Insurrection by Lord Offaly fails.

1541    Henry VIII proclaimed King of Ireland.

1558-03 Plantation of Ireland commences under the reign of
Elizabeth I.

1595-03 Failed uprising of Hugh O'Neil.

1607   Flight of the Earls and leading Ulster families go
into exile.

1641  King Charles I's policies cause insurrection in
Ulster and Civil War in England.

1649  Cromwell invades Ireland.

1653  Cromwell's opponents stripped of land under the Act
of Settlement.

1689-90 Deposed James II flees to Ireland and is defeated at
the Battle of the Boyne.

1704  The Penal Laws enacted: Catholics are barred from
voting, education and the military.

1775  American War of Independence instigates Irish unrest.

1782  Grattan's Parliament persuades English to declare
Irish independence, butin name only.

1795    The Organge Order is founded.

1798    Uprising by Wolfe Tone and the United Irishmen is

1801    Ireland becomes part of Britain under the Act of

1829    Catholic Emancipation Act passed after Daniel
O'Connell elected as MP.

1845-49 The Great Famine claims over 1 million lives
through starvation and disease. Emigration over
the next 10 years results in departure of a
further 1 million people.

1879-82 The Land War is instigated by Parnell who encourages
the boycott of repressive landlords. The 3 'F's are
gained for the peasantry: Fixity of Tenure, Fair
Rent, Freedom to sell their holding.

1914   The Implementation of Home Rule is postponed because
of the outbreak of World War I.

1916    The Easter Rising is led by Pearse, Connolly and
others. The 7 leaders are executed which shifts
public opinion in favour of the rebels.

1920-21 Michael Collins masterminds the War of Independence
between Britain and Ireland. The Irish Free State
is created (excluding the 6 Northern Counties).

1922-23 Civil war breaks out between the Free State Army and
the Irregulars (the IRA).

1926 Fianna Fail party formed and led by DeVelera.

1932    De Valera elected Taoiseach of Ireland.

1939-45 Ireland remains neutral during WW2 despite the offer
of a United Ireland having been made to DeVelera if
Ireland enters the war on behalf of the Allies.

1948 Ireland declared a Republic by Costello.
Northern Ireland is declared a separate entity.

1969    Rioting between Catholics and Protestants. Civil
Rights marches. British troops called in to keep

1971    Provisional IRA begins campaign to oust British
troops from Ireland.

1972    Republic of Ireland joins the European Community.

1985    Anglo-Irish Agreement signed.

1994    Peace Declaration and IRA ceasefire.

1998 'Good Friday' agreement reached promising the
creation of a Northern Assembly.

  (C) Copyright The Information about Ireland Site, 2000
       The Leader in Free Resources from Ireland
   Free Irish coats of arms, screensavers, maps and more

Brian Boru Angela's Ashes
Charles Stewart Parnell A Brief History of Ireland
Cuchulainn Irish Citizenship
Grace O'Malley Irish Christmas Traditions
Eamon DeValera Irish Painters
Michael Collins Irish Wedding Traditions
Padraig Pearse The 1798 Rebellion
Saint Brigid The Children of Lir
Robert Emmet The Titanic and Ireland
Saint Patrick The Easter Rising 1916
Kevin Barry The Irish Famine 1845-49
Dermot & Strongbow Daniel O'Connell

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