Continue to head for the roadblock. There are three militiamen in a bunch, one around the corner, and one on the roof. Take them out so they don't do much damage to you. Try getting into the open, use auto-aim and rapid fire several shots at them (try to save at least one round for this weapon). Head down the narrow street you have cleared out. Stay to the left until you see Gregorov. Stay hidden, as he will take headshots at you. He runs away to the right as you approach. Follow him - CAREFULLY. Approach with some caution, especially at the end of the alley. Stay hidden for now. There is a car to the left - I wonder why it's there - and Gregorov to the right (if he sees you it's headshot time). Run to Gregorov - stay to the right - and the car behind you rumbles to life and barrels after you. Just keep running and duck into the cubbyhole on the right. The car goes screaming past and crashes. You get a Checkpoint Jump onto the car (be careful of the flames) and up to the roof. Go up, left, then right. Climb up again. Go up then left to see Gregorov run away. Go after him. You jump over the gaps automatically. Go forward and to the right. You jump a big gap and get a weird camera angle as two militiamen fire at you. You barely make it by grabbing hold of the edge. Climb up and move forward then turn right to see an enemy right away. Shoot him (PK 102 is good - just wail on him) then move forward to slide down, and then jump off the roof. Go left. As you approach note the gray bar across the alley above you. Be sure you have the Sniper Rifle equipped or the Tear Gas Launcher if you have a shot or two left. Move a little closer to it and two cars come barreling toward you. Move forward until you can jump to the bar overhead (stay calm - if you panic this is almost impossible to do). One way you can do it is to rapidly inch forward then press triangle repeatedly until you jump up. Jump down immediately after the cars pass under you, then turn their direction and get ready. Use the tear gas launcher to get the guys with one shot by using auto aim. If you have to use the sniper rifle, then get the guy on the right first - he has an M-79 Grenade Launcher and will whoop up on you if you don't get him quick. Then get the other guy - he just has a 45. Both have Flak Jackets so you must use headshots. After taking them out, collect the goodies. Unfortunately the M-79 only has one round in it so use it wisely. Go to the nearest gray car for more PK 102 ammo. Then go back to find Gregorov. Careful he is taking headshots again - just use circle to roll and dodge his bullets. Rush forward to the cubbyhole on the right to reach a Checkpoint - phew what a relief. Gregorov runs off yet again so follow him. As soon as you come out of the alley two militiamen holler and run past you - someone is up the road with a grenade launcher. Equip the Biz 2. Stay to the right and run. When the enemy appears on your radar use auto-aim (i.e. the R1 button) to lock on and shoot him full of holes. Move forward down the right side of the road using this strategy. The second guy appears when you reach the blue car. A third appears as you approach the red car. Another possible strategy for getting down the road is to run right first. Then sneak to the cubbyhole on the right side of the road and get the first guy with the Sniper Rifle. Equip the M-79 Grenade Launcher to get guy number two (a bit extreme but it works). Finally, equip the PK 102 and use it to get the third guy. You will undoubtedly come up with your own strategy but this will give you a place to start. When you approach the end of the road (stay left and behind the last red car) Gregorov starts shooting at you as he runs down the road to the right. Be careful coming around the corner (hint: shoot some of the street lights out with the PK 102 so he won't be able to see you as well). Get to the left side of the road and hide behind the cars parked along this road. Don't stay behind a car too long or Gregorov's shots will blow it and you up. As you move from car to car, run and roll (circle button) to avoid being headshot by Gregorov. Cars drive by as you head down the street also. As you come to the end Gregorov runs down another side street (ahead to the right). Just run after him to complete the mission. A short FMV of Lian running and calling after Gregorov and Mara driving by, then you can save.
LOCATION: Moscow, Russian Republic: Volkov Park
DATE/TIME: 09/12 00:30
BRIEFING: Gregorov has left the streets and entered Volkov Park. He hopes to lose you in the fog and darkness, but keep after him. If he escapes, any chance of getting a cure for Syphon Filter is lost.
Seems Gregorov has now entered Volkov Park. It is foggy so you will need to use your Sniper Rifle A LOT. You start by the entrance with a lot of cars and two guards shooting at you - DO NOT hide behind the cars as the guards shoot them and blow them as well as you up. Instead run to the right (or left) side of the entrance to the park. Sneak and snipe the two guards then enter (NOTE: the guards have Flak Jackets on so use headshots). The guard on the right may sneak back and forth so guesstimate where his head will be and get him when he walks into your sites. Be careful of the entrance as Gregorov is right inside (if you are not already on the left side of the entrance, you may want to cross to the left side of the entrance first). Run to the nearest tree, keeping the tree between you and Gregorov so he won't headshot you(this is much easier if you crossed to the left side of the entrance) and equip the Sniper Rifle. Gregorov runs off. Head right and hide behind the trees as you approach him. When you see what he is standing on (a large monument towards the back of this first area) run to the right side of it. Head towards the back of the monument to stay under cover, reach a Checkpoint, and hear Gregorov yell at you. Follow him carefully (he heads south according to your map). Approach the south exit with some caution. Keep to the left or right, and make sure you have equipped something with a KICK like the Shotgun or 45. As you near the exit, four guys armed with 45's run towards you. Get them quickly using auto-aim - no flak jackets to worry about.
NOTE: If you take more damage than you like you can either restart from the last checkpoint or go back to the main entrance if you left an extra Flak Jacket there.
Head down the pathway and another guard runs to you. Blast him quick then equip the Sniper Rifle to see two more guards ahead (sometimes they are already shooting at you). One may run back and forth behind something - a giant statue of a head. One of these guys has a Flak Jacket; all are armed with 45's. Once you get them, continue through the park (there's only one way to continue - west according to the tell tale map). As you come into the next area your night vision comes on - equip the Taser (there's no need to waste sniper rifle bullets unless you're just plain mean). Stay on the perimeter of this area and creep to the right. When you see your first victim follow him closely and zap him (make sure none of his buddies are close by - this will be true for all the guys you zap in this area). As you follow you overhear the guards say they can't see a thing. You have the advantage. Just sneak around and zap all of them - four or five of them all together. When you are ready head south for a Checkpoint. Be sure you re-equip the Sniper Rifle. Continue forward and Gregorov shoots out the lights (hmmm). No prob - you just don your night vision for a bit. Head west to follow Gregorov. Stay to the left and continue forward until you are just ready to enter the next area. Stop and turn to the right. Snipe the guy that is standing by the tree. Creep over to him and take his Sniper Rifle ammo. Stay close to the wall and inch your way west. When you get close to the tree you can see a guy behind the little hill to the left (you can see him very well through the sniper rifle). Snipe him Continue west along the wall and you will see another guy behind a small hill. Snipe him too. Go to him and take his ammo.
NOTE: Be sure you get these guys on the first shot or they will snipe you.
To the south is another guard. He walks back and forth so aim for head height and snipe him when he is in your sights. Move toward him. As you pass a tree and the entrance to the right is clearly visible you can spot a guard slightly to the left. Guess what, snipe him too. That's all the guards in this area. Move west (i.e. the entrance to the right you just saw) for a Checkpoint. Equip something a little more powerful like 45. Move forward a bit and hide to the left (the way under the bridge). Crouch and you can easily snipe the two guards that come rushing forward. BE CAUTIOUS - if you move too far forward or the game doesn't like you for some reason then four guys come at you all at once, the first two and a guy armed with Biz 2 and a guy that lobs grenades. If this happens, adios amigo. Try to get just the two of them to come first, then deal with the next two. Either way they all wear Flak Jackets so this can be pretty tough. When you get the first two, go under the bridge. The Biz 2 guy will follow you down so hide behind the walkway wall and snipe him with the 45 pretty easily. Under the bridge there's not much to see. After taking out the Biz 2 guy you can run to the opposite side of the bridge and snipe the grenade guy from a safe distance. Back on the bridge, you can rush forward to end the mission and save.
LOCATION: Moscow, Russian Republic: Volkov Park
DATE/TIME: 09/12 00:45
BRIEFING: Gregorov has stopped running, and has turned to fight. You have to incapacitate him with your taser, but he's armed and ready to kill, so be cautious. You may need to create a distraction to get the upper hand.
You've finally caught up with Gregorov and have him cornered. He's armed and ready to fight. You need to create a distraction. So shoot out all four lights with the Sniper Rifle or other weapon while avoiding Gregorov as he takes headshots. Immediately your night vision kicks on. Now sneak up behind him and zap him with the Taser to end the mission. What a revolting development. Lian is captured and you find out this Gregorov is not the real one, but an imposter. Save and smile.
FIFTEENTH MISSION: Aljir Prison Break-In
LOCATION: Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison
DATE/TIME: 09/12 23:00
BRIEFING: It's been revealed that the man you thought was Gregorov was actually an imposter who was trying to find Phagan's missing data files. The real Gregorov is being held in secret at Aljir, a secluded Gulag in Siberia used for housing political prisoners, mostly women. Only Gregorov knows the location of the final data discs.
Gregorov has been scheduled for execution tonight in one hour. You will break into the prison, shut down the power before the execution, and escape with Gregorov in tow. Note: most of the inmates at Aljir are political prisoners. Help them if you can, but remain focused on the mission.
You find out Gregorov is being held in a women's prison - Point 36 - that Lian was held in years ago. Gregorov is scheduled for execution. You must shut down the power and escape before the timer runs out. You start in the women's shower. Go straight ahead out of the shower room. You will hear a man and woman talk about Gregorov's execution. You will be tempted to shoot them with your crossbow but don't do it. You'll waste your ammo and get caught every time. Instead, just sneak past them by staying to the right and sticking close to the wall (don't forget to use X - button plus the directional button to sneak). Sneak forward and take the doorway to your right. Sneak down the long corridor and around the corner to the left. As you near the end of the hall you will hear a guard beating up on a prisoner. An objective is added. You can see a male guard just around the corner to the left. Equip your Taser and zap him. Go back the way you just came, take a right and continue down the original hall. Stay to the right, sneak up on this male guard and zap him. The female guard beating on the prisoner (sounds kinky to me) comes over to check on him. Stay behind the column as she approaches, then sneak around as she checks the body and zap her too (quickly or she detects you anyway) or you can get her with a shot from your Crossbow (I don't recommend this as you need the crossbow later in the mission). When you get the female guard you reach a Checkpoint and complete the objective. NOTE: Just for kicks you can zap the prisoner or she talks to you for a bit if you go close to her. Head east (turn around after checking the prisoner) and stay to the left. As you move forward you hear a voice and see an entrance on the left just past the red fire extinguisher on the wall to the right. Get to the wall (on the left), wait for the guard to come out the doorway and zap him (you get a split second to do this as he stops at the doorway - if you have difficulty with this you can consider using the Crossbow). Now go through the door. Be careful as there is a female guard patrolling in the area below you. There is an open cell on your right but there's nothing there of interest. As you come around the corner you overhear a prisoner beg for water and see at least three guards making rounds (take your time coming around the corner or two guards are waiting to discover you as you come around). One guard walks in and out of a room. Another walks back and forth across a bridge. You already know about the female patrolling below. What to do … what to do??? If you move quickly around the corner WHEN THE PRISONER BEGS FOR WATER you can enter the open cell on the right and zap the guard inside with his back turned to you (this is the one I mentioned before who walks in and out of a room - the one on the bridge is distracted elsewhere at this time). NOTE: When the prisoner begs for water, you may have to carefully peak around the corner and make your move just as the guard enters the cell. Wait for the guard on the bridge to walk away in the opposite direction, and then continue sneaking along the ledge. You overhear some guards talking. Peak around to see two male and two female guards. Don't panic. Keep watching and they disperse, leaving only two guards who slip hints about what you should do. They keep talking until one guard goes into the cubbyhole and the other turns his back to you. Sneak up to where the rail is missing and climb over the edge. Shimmy down to the other side and climb back up. Go through the doorway and look left. Creep forward and you see a female prisoner being chased by a female guard (a male guard is also down there). A new objective is added - protect the female prisoner. Continue creeping forward and you see the male guard follow them to watch the female guard beat up the prisoner (what a sicko). Just sneak up and zap them to complete the objective and get a Checkpoint. Back track a bit and take the doorway on the left. As you move forward you see the elevator come up with two guards on board. If you follow the guards down the ramp, you will find three guards blocking the way around the corner to the left at the bottom. So take the elevator. When you get to the bottom creep forward. When you hear the guards humming you know they are coming. Run back to the elevator and hide in the corner where you can't see around the corner to the left (i.e. where you can get someone just as they enter the room). Equip the Crossbow and shoot one of the guards when he enters the room. Reequip the Taser, sneak around the corner and zap the guy standing by the gate. Creep down the passage until you hear another guard humming. He just stands there like a good little target so you can sneak up and zap him. These were the three guards that were blocking the bottom of the ramp (in fact that's where you are now). Continue to creep forward to get a Checkpoint. Continue forward to receive some advice form Gabe about what to do next. Around the corner in the next area there is a security camera scanning the hall. Peak around the corner and watch for the red light on the camera to go out (it will be out right after Gabe finishes). As soon as it does creep forward to the gate and hide by the outcropping to the left. When the male guard comes through sneak in behind him, then behind the counter to zap the female guard. When you do you see an FMV about Gregorov being taken to be executed. This part sucks - no matter how much time you had left before, you now have only 1:30 left to get to the power room. Fortunately you have also reached a Checkpoint. There's a guard in the next section so flip the switch at the counter and then duck behind the counter. The guard will run into the room unawares. Sneak around the right side of the counter and zap him or get him with the Crossbow (it's a good time to use the ammo you have left). Head down the corridor but watch for the doorway on the left. A guard patrols the hall inside. Peak around and sneak in when his back is turned. Get him with the Crossbow. Run forward but be cautious; there is another guard around the next corner to the right. The Crossbow is a good idea to use to get him since his back is turned as you come around the corner and you will probably be running low on time. If you are out of crossbow ammo you may have to reequip the Taser and sneak up and zap him (if you can, I'm not sure - someone let us know ok). Go through the doorway and to the right to shut off the power and end the mission.
SIXTEENTH MISSION: Aljir Prison Escape
LOCATION: Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison
DATE/TIME: 09/12 23:45
BRIEFING: Shutting down the power has stayed the execution, but it's had another unforeseen effect. Before the prison could switch to emergency power, several cell blocks' security grids went off-line. A riot has broken out as a result.
Get Gregorov out of there ASAP. The plan is to get to the top of the east wall and jump into the river. There is a tank of air waiting at the bottom. If you encounter any armed prisoners, do not kill them. Incapacitate them by any means necessary.
Now there is a prison riot. Find Gregorov and escape. Shutting off the power sent guards rushing in. You start with four so stay crouched inside the area and remain patient. Be sure you have 45 equipped. One guard with a Shotgun sneaks forward. Wait for him to come close, aim, and then wait for him to roll into the area with you and shoot him. Grab his Shotgun then peak around. Sneak and snipe the guy at the end of the hall (he peaks around so guesstimate and get him when he jumps out). Now sneak around the edge and take care of the other two guards with sneak and snipe.
ALTERNATE TACTIC: Wait until the first guy with the Shotgun rolls into the area with you, then aim and shoot. Stay in the corner after getting his Shotgun, stay crouched and get the guy at the end of the hall with a headshot. Move to the other corner. Come forward to the larger section of wall (between you and the other two guards). Now aim and strafe; you should be able to get the two guards with no danger.
Grab the ammo and head out of the room. As you come around the corner you can see a rail, a light, and some doors against a gray wall. Be cautious. As you move forward four more guards will come for you - two on the ground floor and one on the second floor across the way, and one to the left who peaks around the corner. Just creep forward down the hall until you see the guards across come into view then creep back into the hall under cover and sneak and snipe them (you may need to get the guy on the second floor before getting the second guy on the first floor - also you may have to break cover i.e. peak around the corner to the left to get that guy to jump out). Once you get the guy to the left go to him and through the doorway (he has a Shotgun and Flak Jacket if you need it - you can't get the ammo from the other guys in the room). Creep forward, then right, then left. As you move around the next left hand turn two guards appear at the stairway. Sneak and snipe them. The second one is easy to get. Just stay to the wall on the right and stay crouched; his head will be barely visible above the floor (back up and you can get both of them this way with no danger). As you come to the bottom of these steps and turn right there are two more baddies with Shotguns at the bottom of the next set of steps. Equip the Shotgun, break cover and blast them (NOTE: you can snipe one with the 45, then equip the Shotgun and break cover to blast the last one). As you get to the bottom of these steps there is a bad guy to your left who jumps out and takes head shots. Switch back to the 45 and sneak and snipe him. Reequip the Shotgun, grab any ammo present that you need then run to him and to the red door. Press triangle to kick it open. There are bad guys on the opposite roof so run immediately to the opposite building (don't try to shoot the guys on the roof just roll to take less damage). Creep to the stairs and go up them until the door busts open and two bad guys come out, one with a shotgun and one with a 45. Stop, remain crouched and blast them. Go to the top of the stairs and enter. As you come past the red fire extinguisher a guard in the next room on his knees asks you not to kill him. Just equip the Hand Taser and zap him to be sure he won't come back to haunt you later. Move on into the room and around a corner to find a room full of dead guys. Make a call to Gabe (FMV) then two bad guys bust in. Hide behind the pillars and sneak and snipe them.
NOTE: You may want to have the Shotgun
equipped for quick kills. It's also a good idea to run immediately to the
right as the bad guys enter - use right strafe - and hide behind that pillar then get
the two bad guys.
Move on toward the flaming gate. To your right is another dead guy. Go that way. Sneak to the classroom to find Gregorov. You get an FMV and a Checkpoint. Find out that Mara killed the guards when the power went out. Lian is getting sicker. After FMV three or four bad guys bust in again. Use auto-aim and take them out quickly, especially the two that are shooting at Gregorov. Go through the doorway at the back of the classroom. Head to the flashing red light. Don't enter the room. Peak around the corner to see two baddies rush in with Shotguns and a third with a 45 who hides in the opposite doorway. Sneak and snipe these three to get Gregorov to move up. Peak around the next corner to catch a glimpse of a bad guy armed with a shotgun and equipped with a flak jacket at the next corner. Shoot him then go around. When you come to the next main hallway you see some female prisoners get gunned down as they try to escape. Peak around the corner to see the two guards who killed them. Sneak and snipe them to get an FMV and a Checkpoint. Don't forget to pick up the PK-102 from the guards. Head towards the red fire extinguisher and around the corner for an extra Flak Jacket that may not be visible. Head back to Gregorov and kick open the red door. You see two prisoners shot by snipers. Creep out a bit until you hear Gregorov say "snipers, pull back." Go back for an FMV. Gregorov has a smoke grenade. Let him throw it then go-go-go. When he stops you must shoot out the lock on a gate. Shoot the orange colored rectangle. Then go-go-go again until Gregorov stops again. Go left and down the corridor to see two guards shot. Follow Gregorov to see an FMV.
NOTE: If you get the Tear Gas Launcher on the way, you
don't get the FMV. Also if you only get one prisoner with the tear gas launcher,
you can equip the Hand Taser, jump down beside the second prisoner
and zap her BUT you WILL take damage.
Get a Checkpoint and a new objective. You must go back the way you came. Run back through the gate you shot the lock off of and go right. As you go around the corner and hear the screams of someone in anguish watch out for a flaming prisoner who runs at you. Back off until they fall dead and the flames die out too. Continue around the corner and you see a guard at the end with a Tear Gas Launcher and a Flak Jacket. Get him with a headshot, take the gas launcher, and then go back to Gregorov. Creep to the concrete wall (be sure the Tear Gas Launcher is equipped), preferably on the left side of the opening, peak down and get the two crazed female prisoners who have been shooting at you all this time. Try to aim your shot right between the two of them on the floor. Complete an objective and get a Checkpoint. Jump down - don't miss the PK-102 ammo. Go through the doorway to the left CAREFULLY. Enter the room with red walls on the bottom half. Creep slightly forward until the four guards enter then run back into the room with Gregorov. Or run and roll around the first section and back to the shower room with Gregorov. Either way, one guard hovers by the doorway - he runs back and forth - so get him with a headshot. The others run around in the next area. All of them have Flak Jackets. Just sneak and snipe them whenever you can. When you get them run back to get Gregorov (if you try to leave without him Gabe calls and tells you to go back and get him). You are getting weaker by the minute so you give Gregorov a gun to help you out. Exit the room and go right. Go all the way to the end. Go around a right hand u-turn. At the corner to the left is another bad guy. Gregorov can take care of him (but don't forget you have to keep Gregorov alive). Around the next corner are two more bad guys. Let Gregorov take care of them too (help him out if he gets into trouble). As you inch forward two more bad guys rush in. Blast them with the 45 or Shotgun - Gregorov will help you. Go around the corner with the fire extinguisher - that's left - and three more bad guys converge on you as you go down this long hall. Once again just blast away with Gregorov's help. Go to the end and hang a left into a room with walls that are red on the bottom again. In this area two more bad guys come from behind - listen for Gregorov's warning and get them with the Shotgun. Continue around the corner to the end of the hall and kick open the red door on the right. Inch forward for an FMV and a Checkpoint. At this point you can go one of two ways to complete the mission - you can blast your way to the end or you can sneak and creep your way to the end. If you choose to blast your way through then you might as well start by shooting the guard and the spotlight on top of the wall ahead of you. Go down the ramp. Sneak forward to the next spotlight - shoot it out and you are discovered. Even though it seems you are discovered anyway so it doesn't matter we'll see later it does matter. Anyway from here be sure the Shotgun is equipped and rush forward. Two guards are in an area to the right. Blast them then run to the end and get into the elevator. Go up (push switch). Rush forward with Gregorov. Guards from the opposite roof will shoot at you. Just keep moving. Shoot the guard that gets in your way and continue moving forward to complete the mission. If you choose to sneak and creep your way past the guards and the spotlights then run down the ramp. Wait for the first spotlight to move away and follow it. Stay in the first cubbyhole on the right until it comes back again then continue forward. Move forward and when you see the two guards stay to the right against the wall and move behind them (be sure to avoid the other spotlight). Creep up behind and to the right of these two guards and watch the spotlight. When it passes over the two guards and moves away creep ahead and stay close to the wall to the right. When you get away from the two guards start running (avoid the next spotlight). When you make it to the elevator press the switch and go up. When you reach the top you tell Gregorov to wait. Carefully peak around the corner to the right. A guard paces nearby. Avoid the spotlight and sneak up on him and zap him (make sure the Hand Taser is equipped). Sneak forward to another guard at the tower and zap him. You are finally discovered (I'm really sure there is no way to avoid it this time) and you must dash the last little bit under fire. No prob. Run forward just a bit and complete the mission.
Either way you go, after completing the mission watch the FMV. You all escape, Lian collapses and you head to the safe house. The bad guys scheme. You can save.
future link (not active)