The old guard
Tiny warriors




Old Soldiers Never Die

They just change their bases

         DBA is the repository of my old Airfix conversions . Hacked and carved to the point where their origins are almost impossible to discern, some of these 30 year old figures are the ones I love more than any others I own. I consider myself to be an above average modeller and these figures are where I cut my teeth. Rebased and in many cases repainted,  they stand in pride of place on the shelves. The old guard of my wargames collection.

            The old Airfix figures have over the years been added to from ESCI, Revell and now Hatte but the veterans still retain their glory. The basic armies are Early Imperial Roman, Celts, Fanatic Arab, Turkish and Ghazanavid but from these a whole plethora of others can be formed. 

           My most recent foray into insanity has been with 2mm figures. ?=0) Despite failing eyesight and a less than steady hand , I am very pleased with the results. Hope you will be too