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We are delighted to announce the following sponsors of Cork Chess Congress 2003
Electricity Supply Board of Ireland

Tel:021 4892240
Coca-Cola Cork County Council




1.1 The name of the organisation of which this document is the constitution shall be “The

Cork Chess Club”, hereinafter referred to as “the Club”.

1.2 The objects of the Club shall be the playing and promotion of chess within Cork City

and County.

1.3 In pursuance of these objects the Club shall organise and participate in various chess

competitions and leagues, and other events from time to time, both through its individual

members and through teams of members representing the Club.


2.1 Membership of the Club shall be open to all, subject only to the following


1. that they support the objects of the Club; and

2. that they abide by the Club rules; and

3. that they pay all Club subscriptions as they fall due.


3.1 A Committee of members, hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”, shall be elected

by the membership each year to oversee the management of the Club.

3.2 The Committee shall consist of the Officers of the Club, as defined in Clause 4 below,

the captains of the Club’s league teams, and any members who have been awarded

honorary posts by the Club.

3.3 The Committee shall have overall responsibility for the management of the Club and

shall meet as often as they deem fit.

3.4 The Committee shall have the power to suspend any member of the Club if they feel

that such member has brought the Club into disrepute, after having first given such

member an opportunity to appear and speak before the Committee.

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4.1 The following Officers shall be elected from amongst the Club membership each year,

to be responsible to the Committee for the duties specified:-

1. A Chairman, who shall preside over all meetings, and who shall be

responsible for the general management of the Club’s day to day affairs.

2. A Secretary, who shall be responsible, in consultation with the Chairman, for

correspondence, managing the Club teams and any other duties delegated to

him or her by the Committee.

3. A Treasurer, who shall be responsible for all financial matters including the

collection of annual subscriptions, making payments as required, and

presenting the annual accounts of the Club’s income and expenditure.

4. A Membership Secretary who shall be responsible for keeping up to date

records of members and liaising with the Treasurer for the collection of


4.2 Officers shall be entitled to stand for re-election, provided that no member may

continue to hold the same post for more than four consecutive years unless he or she is

granted a special dispensation by the Club to do so.


5.1 There shall be held each year an Annual General Meeting, hereinafter referred to as

the AGM”, which shall be open to all members of the Club, though only those who have

paid their subscriptions and who are otherwise in good standing may speak and vote at

such meeting.

5.2 The AGM shall be held at 8.00pm on either the first or second Friday of September in

each year in the Club’s normal meeting place, or such other suitable place as the

Committee may determine.

5.3 The agenda for the AGM shall be as follows:-

1. Apologies for absence.

2. Minutes of the previous AGM and any other general meetings.

3. Secretary's report.

4. Treasurer's report, which shall include a recommendation for the

annual subscriptions for members for the following year.

5. Chairman’s remarks.

6. Election of Officers and other Committee members.

7. Any motions of which notice shall have been given to the Secretary, or which

the Committee has determined shall be placed on the agenda.

8. The presentation of awards and trophies.

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5.4 If the Committee shall so resolve, or if at least five members so request in writing, the

Secretary shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting within fourteen days of such

resolution or request, always provided that no such meeting shall be called during the

months of July and August.

5.5 A resolution or request made under Clause 5.4 above must include the form of a

motion, giving the names of the proposer and seconder thereof, and only that motion shall

be discussed at the meeting.

5.6 The quorum for all general meetings shall be seven members. If a quorum be not

present within thirty minutes of the time set for the start of the meeting, then it shall stand

adjourned for seven days, reconvening at the same time and if possible the same place. At

this adjourned meeting, any number shall be deemed to form a quorum, provided that at

least two members of the Committee are present.

5.7 In the absence of the Chairman, the meeting shall elect another member of the Club to

chair that meeting.

5.8. If any Officer be no longer able or willing to carry out his or her duties the Committee

shall appoint another member of the Club to assume that particular office until the next


5.9 Voting at all meetings shall be by a show of hands unless five members present and

voting request a secret ballot.

5.10 All decisions shall be determined by a simple majority of those present and voting,

save where the motion involves changes to this constitution, when it shall be by a

two-thirds majority. In the event of an equality of votes the chairman shall have a second

or casting vote.


6.1 The Committee shall produce a book of rules which shall cover the following matters

and any other items which the Committee shall consider to be appropriate from time to


1. Conduct while attending the Club premises.

2. Format of the Club competitions.

3. Rules of play for the Club competitions.

4. Format and composition of Club Teams.

5. Payment of subscriptions.

6.2 The said book of rules shall be binding on all members, shall be approved by the AGM,

and may be amended thereby from to time.

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7.1 In the event that the Club shall be dissolved, whether by resolution of the members

or any other cause, then the Officers or other remaining members shall ensure that:-

1. Any financial liabilities are met from the monies held in the Club’s accounts.

2. Any remaining monies are distributed equally among the remaining


3. Any Club trophies continue to be held by the members then entitled to hold

them, in trust for any future chess club having similar objects to the Club.

4. Any chess equipment, books or other items held by the Club are given to the

Munster Chess Union to be held in trust as before.


This Constitution was adopted by the Annual General Meeting of The Cork Chess

Club held at...............................................on the..............................................................


Chairman Secretary

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