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Antibes III STC

Alternate STC's

I guess this whole idea started when I converted a Brigade models miniature to conform to "GW Style". The resultant escort carrier was quite attractive and still fitted in with the fleet.

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It looked like a BFG model but was subtly different. Then recently I needed an assault carrier that could be built in quantity and that was simple to make from plastic card mouldings. I decided to make it similar in "style" to the escort carrier the end result was the Tarawa class assault carrier.

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In order to explain it's obvious divergence from BFG Imperial design (ie side engines) I invented an STC that contained divergent designs. Thus was born the Antibes III STC. I really liked the idea and decided to try my hand at a light cruiser design in the same style. That produced the Defiant.

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This one I really liked and got very positive feedback from list members. By now my interest was really roused and the alternate STC idea was coming to fruition then Bob Henderson said

The Antibes STC idea is neat as well. On the
commercial level I'd love to see a different "flavour/style" amongst
Imperial ships depending on the Segmentum/Forgeworld combination so
that a Pacificus/Hydraphur(?) Lunar might look very different from an
Obscuras/Cypra Mundi Lunar even down to mild armament differences.


This fitted the fluff. The GW version of an STC definition says

"The heart of the STC system was an evolved computer program designed to provide construction details for the colonists. Its prime function was to enable the colonists to build efficient shelters, generators and transports without any prior knowledge and using almost any locally available materials. The user simply asked how to build a house or a tractor and the computer supplied all the necessary plans."

NOWHERE does it say that all the products look alike. Lets face it there have been numerous rhino models and landraiders, it's a very big step and a half from an Acheron to an Overlord . The fluff says the overlord is developed from an Acheron but lets face it the visual similarity is a little difficult to find. Maybe Bob was right. Perhaps the STC gave detailed building instructions but never said what it should look like. Suddenly the BFG world offered a whole new potential in design possibilities. Ok a Lunar is a Lunar but a little variation doesn't hurt does it. So that was it time to test the theory. make a model that would be easily recognised as a GW style ship but have it's own idiosyncratic variations that label it a product of Antibes II (or any other world as the case may be.)  The finished model turned out to be a Tyrant but that wasn't important . I love the model and the idea. How about you???

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I next considered a Battleship but time was limited so I turned my attentions to the escorts and produced a new flexible escort class the mamba in the same style. I made four of these and returned once more to thoughts of a BB

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I finally plucked up the courage and decided to build an Antibes III battleship. My inspiration came from the sketch on the inside cover of the blue book  that shows a prow with an embossed eagle. That's what I decided to build.

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I followed that up with another BB that I have wanted to try for a very long time . A victory lance armed battleship. 

That for the moment concludes the series. 


Up IMS Tarawa Mamba class escort IMS Defiant IMS Caligula IMS Divine Judgement IMS Imperial Will