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Homebrew Ordnance


Some of you may be aware that I use my own house rules for ordnance and that each carrier has  a fixed ordnance wing. As such, I like to model the entire ordnance wing for each carrier giving it a distinctive name and colour scheme. I have been asked on several occasions for details of how I model the ordnance. My recent pre-Horus heresy torpedo bomber carrier, the admiral class, needed a new wing of 28 bases so I decided to detail their manufacture on the workshop pages. For those who require other types of ordnance I have also detailed how I built my standard fighter bombers and standard bombers. To go to the pages you require, click on the yellow name boxes.


This page will provide a rough guide to how I made some of my scratchbuilt  ordnance.  Designs may vary but techniques remain the same. Whatever the design use sharp tools and be patient.  The effort required is small but you must be patient enough to allow an hour or two drying time between each construction stage. This makes building the models easier and vastly improves the quality of the finished models. All construction is from plastic card and rod. I generally make enough models for four bases at a time, completing each stage for all the models at once thus helping to reduce the waiting time.

The wing consists of 12 x  , 8 x  , 4 x and 4 x . Below you can see a picture of the whole wing gathered in preparation for an attack . The accompanying pages give detailed instructions for building each type of craft.


wizwing1.JPG (74357 bytes) wizwing2.JPG (75296 bytes) wizwing3.JPG (76801 bytes)



hbft13.JPG (23838 bytes) wizwing4.JPG (87028 bytes) wizwing6.JPG (86265 bytes) wizwing5.JPG (86470 bytes)


The following pages describe how to manufacture standard ordnance types or at least the versions I use in Golgotha.


wizwing7.JPG (85230 bytes)

bmbrs17.JPG (28229 bytes)


Up birth of a ship A lunar gun ship Prow building Homebrew Ordnance