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Naval Marine

"Jump marshal to caddy one, stand by for jump order!"

"Caddy one to Marshall, Green machine on stand bye!"

"Red Light on Caddy one. Jump prepare!"

"Caddy one on ready!"

"Green light on caddy one.. GO GO GO!"


The naval marine are a throwback to my interest in the wet navy and my love of the UNSMC figures from GZG. They are formed into units from the marines based on imperial naval vessels. The smallest vessel that can carry a viable unit is the light cruiser that has a company as its on board complement. While a fleet carrier will carry a full battalion and its light armoured components. The battalion is the biggest practical organisational element although bigger organisations are formed but without adding any further support elements which are already factored into the battalion.  The marine elements normally retain their parent unit nomenclature but in reality they are dispersed through the fleet and never fight as a combined unit. Normal practice is to form a fleets marines into standard battalions where possible but unit designations are always temporary .. The naval marines are fast assault, reconnaissance and boarding troops. They are used where a quick resolution to a problem can be resolved by a rapid insertion, lightly armed force. Anything more involved would under normal circumstances be left to the imperial marines or the guard.

The marines benefit from ground support from air elements from any accompanying carriers

 navair1.jpg (21733 bytes)        navair2.jpg (29436 bytes)

Light attack fighter         heavy bombers       

The standard naval marine battalion has three companies and a light support company. They are organised as follows.:-

Battalion HQ;-                             Admin unit deployed on BB's or larger. Administrative section ,airborne insertion and artillery support

                                                     9 x rapid insertion sections-------- ---airborne.jpg (28463 bytes)

airborn1.jpg (36448 bytes)  airborn2.jpg (39942 bytes)  airborn3.jpg (28974 bytes)

                                                     3 x Light artillery sections-------------nmart.jpg (41549 bytes)       nmart2.jpg (72219 bytes)

Light Armoured company;         Mobile Armoured sections of A/A, anti tank and light artillery (deployed on BBs or larger)

                                                                                                                 nmarm.jpg (81105 bytes)           nmarm2.jpg (66499 bytes)

naval marine companies;           self contained units capable of insertion and short term unsupported agressive and defensive actions.                                                       (deployed on Light cruisers and larger.)

                                                  Company HQ contains command, 2 x hvy weapons, 2 x Light anti air, 1 x AT

 nmcomhq.jpg (21997 bytes) nmcomhq2.jpg (22150 bytes)

                                                   3 x platoons of 9 x naval marine sections

                                                                                                                NMplat.jpg (21583 bytes)     

NB:- The figures used are GZG marines and various other packs all modified to fit the WH40k background.  ie added weapons , head changes etc.etc..


All naval vessels light cruiser class and above carry marine detachments deployments are as follows:-

Light and medium cruisers:-           1 x company

light carrier:-                                    1 x company                        

battlecruisers :-                                1 x company

medium carriers:-                             2 x company

battleships:-                                      1 x company + light armour company + battalion HQ

fleet carriers:-                                  Full marine battalion

dreadnoughts and group carriers:- Full marine brigade of brigade HQ and 3 x battalions. 


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