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Space Marine
Naval Marine

unit organisation

"Form 'em up!! Move 'em out!"

"Who wants to live forever?"

Perhaps the saddest aspect of the Golgotha conflict is that the two forces are identical, both being drawn from the ranks of the imperial armed forces. The following T.O.&E. charts refer therefore to both of the combatants. At risk of repeating myself the concepts I have used are based on G.W. WH40K units but heavily adapted for my own ideas and gaming preferences.

The Imperial armed forces

                  The imperial ground forces are divided into four major elements.

Broadly defined these are

Space marines

        These are the bio engineered warriors of every mans nightmare. Powerfully equipped these heavily armed and mobile units tend to spearhead the Empires acts of war and Retribution. Tied to the Emperor since the Horus rebellion these are the Emperors finest.. They are normally independent operators and answer only to the inquisition and directly appointed imperial commanders

Naval marines

     Light highly trained, strike troops supplied by the navy used for light suppression and insertion prior to a major intervention. They are under command of the ranking naval officer in the region and used at his discretion. When not allocated to a force they are commanded by the captain of the vessel to which they are billeted

Imperial Guard

  The armour and infantry base of the armed forces.. Where death and destruction are expected in large quantities their go the guard. . They are commanded by a ranking army officer appointed by the imperial war dept to that theatre.

Planetary Defence Forces

      The dross of the armed forces . These are regular trained forces formed and commanded by the Imperial governor of a particular sub sector , system or even individual planet. They are short service troops but can be fanatical in defence of their homeworlds.


      The normal method of troop insertion is by individual drop suits or the huge penetrator class dropships shown in the following photos.

drpshp1.jpg (23707 bytes)      drpshp2.jpg (20799 bytes)  drpshp3.jpg (20234 bytes)

NB:- The model is based on a 1/35th scale WWII German Hannomag kit. Rear doors open and landing ramps can be positioned.


Up unit organisation the DSII gallery rule variants welcome to ground zero