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Clan [G2] -- Genocide Guardians
Join Request Form

Fill Out The Form Below
ChubbyMario[G2] @ 11:13 PM EST
[G2] is an invite only clan. Meaning you can not be recruiting unless we invite you, and you accept. Sort of as our honor for you to join us. On top of that you will not be an official member of [G2] until you have 100 games played. There is a small join form below if you would like to join Genocide Guardians, or if you have been invited you still MUST fill out this form. Just copy and paste these questions into your E-mail, reply and send away. I check my mail almost every day, so your form will most likely be looked at.

1.) List your E-mail/AIM/ICQ/MSN
2.) How did you hear about Genocide Guardians -- [G2]?
3.) Age/Sex/Location?
4.) Your Reason For Wanting To Join?
5.) If you were invited by another clan member please tell whom.
6.) If you were recruited in a game please state the game name what race you were the map and how many people were playing. 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, 4x4, Ect.
7.) How long have you been playing Warcraft II online?
8.) What gaming servers have you played on other than Battle.net? Engage, Mag, Kali, Heat, Ect.
9.) Have you ever been in a clan? If so list them, and why you ended up leaving.
10.) Name your most used Battle.net name (Most Games Played).
11.) How would you rate yourself as a player from 1-10? 1 being the best, 10 being a horrible newbie. Be honest here don't get funny with us.
12.) What are you better with Land, Sea, or Air?
13.) What race do you usually use when playing, Orc or Human? Or do you go Random?
14.) List your favorite map.
15.) Put these maps from first best to worst. #1-5. GoW, PoS, AYN, NWTR, Friends.
16.) Do you understand that ChubbyMario[G2] is the leader of the clan and that only he may declare a war, alliance, or cease fire with another enemy clan?
17.) What time zone do you live in? (For setting up Warcraft II games)
18.) Do you have any other skills such as PUD making, website design, or story writing?
*Note- I'm looking for someone to make me a Flash Intro it'd be nice if someone knew Flash.
19.) On average, how much time do you spend online daily?
20.) Is there anything that you wish to ask or tell us before sending in your request form?
21.) Do you understand fully the [G2] Clan information, Rules, Ranks, Ect. and agree to abide by them, through the time you spend in [G2]?
22.) How do you think you will be able to and would want to help contribute to the Clan?
23.) What [G2] name will you make if you are accepted? Remember [G2] tag at the end of your account.
24.) Do you agree, not to trash talk or make [G2] look bad?
25.) Please write a short paragraph (50 words or less) on why you want to be a member of [G2].
**Hackers will not be tolerated. Same goes for Abusers or Discers. If anyone is caught hacking, abusing, or discing intentionally, that is in the [G2] clan they will be immediately banned. If I am caught hacking, discing or abusing, then I will retire from [G2] and put a head officer in charge of Genocide Guardians to put my self in the position of others.
***All members are required to stay active with the site. Meaning checking it at least every other day. It will be updated constantly. If I or someone else finds out that you have not been keeping up, with what's going on in the clan, they will receive a strike. Three strikes equals a warning. After two warnings your on suspension and cannot where the tag for two weeks. If you decide to quit the clan because this happens to you go ahead. We'll find someone else who can keep up on the clan info.

ChubbyMario[G2] watches two pretty good players, from the Clan [24-7] channel duke it out. The Outcome? Click the screenshot to find out!

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Copywright © 2002 http://www.ClanG2.cjb.net & Clan [G2], Layout design done by ChubbyMario[G2] - Warcraft I,II,III and World of Warcraft are Copywright © of Blizzard Entertainment. All Rights Reserved
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