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Battle Report 1: Grudge Rivalry

Saim-Hann Turn One
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As the Saim-Hann readied themselves for battle, the blood-thirsty thoughts of the Avatar instilling them into an ruthless killing machine. They moved gracefully, one sniper picking off it's Biel-Tan counterpart. No other casualties were taken. The Falcon remained stationary, as a backup (he forgot to move it - Andy), while the Guardians Fleet Of Footed 5" each.

Biel-Tan Turn One
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Seeing the Saim-Hann's pitiful attempt on their army, the Unforgiven's blood-lust increased their hatred of their former allies. The Rangers avenged their fallen comerade by killing a Saim-Hann Ranger, his Camoline Cloaks unable to protect him from a fatal shot to the head. With this anger enforced within themselves, they retalliated with a hail of Shuriken fire from the jebikes, which had moved around the right flank to attack one of the squads of Saim-Hann Guardians. The sheer amount of bladed discs slicing through the air (and Saim-Hann armour alike) only left one Guardian and it's Warlock leader remaining (see right) who passed his leadership test (unluckily for him - Andy). The Jetbikes charged into combat screaming an inaudiable war-cry, which made the surviving Guardian and Warlock flee. Unfortunately, the more manouverable Jetbikes caught up with them and finished the job.