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Wednesdays: Every Wednesday during term time we can be found in areas 4 and 5 of the Kelvin hall from 7:30-9pm. Equally important to our training regime is the trip to Spud Mulligans Pub afterwards where you can indulge in Guinness, spam sandwiches and many peculiar antics till closing.

Fridays: Also at Kelvin hall, 5 'til 6:30pm. If you plan on being a first team wannabe this is where you start. It may also finish you off because Jon waits for no one. Blood, sweat and bleep tests dominate this training session, not for the faint hearted...see ultimate is a real sport all you who doubted it!

Outdoors: We have a shared practice with players from Edinburgh, alternating between the two cities on saturdays. These practices are often moved around due to tournaments etc so it's best to check the notice board/email to confirm.
For the glasgow based practices: If coming from uni catch the number 44 bus from the university main gates. Oh and first team wannabes you'd better be here too! Map to Victoria park