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About Halo: Installations & Evolution

Halo: Installations & Evolution was first established in spring of 2002 by two highly experienced role-players known as CJ (Milo M Ratio) and Jamal Thruston (FloodSpecies). It started out vulnerable as it was not at all planned out completely through out. Only the basics were being thought of such as the battling system (Sim or Dice), what will be available to role-play, and how exactly things would work out. And the two role-players never exactly knew upon the true world of Halo, until a man named Jack (A Soldiers Pride) was brought into the group and shared this magnificent world and was the main key upon making one of the best role-playing groups ever. In the summer, the group was beginning. But, the error of it was it started out recruiting, so the remembers had to wait a very long time until the first session. But, an enemy brought up, a different Halo role-playing group who claimed to have been the first. The owner was a man named Kyle and suggested a war, and CJ agreed towards it. But, the war never actually took place, but a different war did. Massive amounts of Instant Messages from this group came up, bringing threats and arguments. Spying took place, brain washing, and other diabolical things happened and it seemed it all ended with CJ giving up upon owner only to work with his group named the Era. He gave the ownership to FloodSpecies, and that was when the group became sturdy again. Jamal, actually known as, Blaze brought new ideas upon the group with a name, new designs for applications, better positions, more interesting ideas, and everything possible to bring the group good and in shape. He told the surviving members how to take care of the other group and outsiders, and how to enjoy the events in the group. After this war, members from that group began to change sides and come to this group, known as Hi&E. Reason was the owner of the other group wasn’t exactly a true owner. They brought their ideas and assimilated, as well as made Hi&E stronger than it already was. The group was there to bring the Halo world to the Internet, and show what Halo was all about and what it would be like if you were in it. Hi&E continues to strive and become better, soon to actually become the best role-playing group ever known.

This website is not an offical website for the Halo: Combat Evolved videogame for the Xbox console. We are not Bungie and the Halo characters such as the Master Chief, The Covenant, etc. are all copyright to Bungie. Fan made items are copyrighted to us ... Hi&E.