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About Halo: Installations & Evolution

Joining this group is a great idea and it will turn out to be a very competitive group. This group contains logical role-play and starters are a no-no. You see, like in tournaments, movies, etc. There are age limits and things, well here, there’s an experience limit. You must have a satisfying (to the owner) role-playing ability. Don’t say you suck until you find out yourself. You must at least be able to use correct grammar, spelling (there is a spell check in case you didn’t know), punctuation, capitalization, and just everything you have so far learned in school that came close to language arts. And to note, we are picky, and will be. If you join this group and your posts don’t end up filling the input field (the area you type in) twice completely, or more … you’ll be removed. We don’t want small posts. We don’t want little description. “Enters.” That … is a no-no. Here at Hi&E, we are distinguished, not perfect, but completely organized and make at the least close to perfect, but, not exactly. Note on this, aiming and shooting must be two separate posts. Not in one post because it simply doesn’t work that way. If you have a magnification built in on your gun, it will be more than one post. Listen, we want more than one post. Think of this, you have a brain. Joining can increase your role-playing abilities further, it can make you more aggressive than a weak little punk online, and you’ll just evolve. Trust this, it has been seen in the members. You like Halo, why not role-play it? What else you need is gaming experience, basically … you must own the game, or at the least have a satisfying knowledge on it. If you come up with something like, “What’s a Covenant” or anything simple such as that, that will not get by at the least. But, if you fall in the positives upon this, then join. You should love it as much as the book and game itself. Get into it.

What you could end up being? When you join and are completely qualified, you could actually ending up being one of the best. After two months of Hi&E experience (RPing 3 sessions and 1 or 2 minisessions won’t get you anywhere) try fighting one of your greatest enemies once more and see if you have improved. If you have, then you got just a taste of what this group can give to you besides action, adventure, and just pure fun. People may actually consider you a Spartan. Don’t believe that will happen, but if you are dedicated to this group enough, spend time with it, etc. You’ll actually be known as one. People won’t believe you are real. You’ll be so good. One day, only Hi&E members will be challenges to you.

Now, if you want to join, simply fill out the applications:

The Human Race Application
The Covenant Application
The Supplementary Application (coming soon)

After they are filled and sent, you will recieve an e-mail that states on rather you qualify or not. To note, we look at the post, your grammar, spelling, capitalization, and all of that mumbo-jumbo you learned in Language Arts back in school.

This website is not an offical website for the Halo: Combat Evolved videogame for the Xbox console. We are not Bungie and the Halo characters such as the Master Chief, The Covenant, etc. are all copyright to Bungie. Fan made items are copyrighted to us ... Hi&E.