The Game: Legend tells of two millennia ago, in the darkest reaches of hell, a demonswordsman named Sparda, awoke to justice and rebelled against the devil to wage a one man war to save the human world from damnation. Now, 2000 years later, a dark figure named Dante finds ckues that the devil is rally to rie up again against mankind. Who was Sparda and how does Dante fit into this gothis puzzle? Deep within Dante's blood lies the power of ancient demons and the key to defeat the hoards of the dark realm. Somewhere between a man and demon lies our only chance for salvation. If he succeeds Devil May Cry.
Dante is a freelance underground bad ass living in modern America and he has got a secret persona that's even more extraordinary. He slays bloodthirsty devils from the depth of burning hell with his big kitchen knife (okok, sword)and dual-wielded handguns.
Nelo Angelo The horned knigything else about this knight remains as a mystery (worst thing is, he chases Dante throughout the game with some unknown reason). Light emission is always present before releasing his energy that's generatht in dark armor is well versed in the same art of combat as Dante's. Evered by converging the surrounding energy. Be ready for it when you see the light. His strength to wield a sword of that length is extraordinary. Keeping distance and waiting for an opening is a wise strategy when he starts to swing his sword viciously. If your sword swing with his, you will be able to block his attack creating an opening for attack. He uses a special displacement method to instantaneously to move from one place to another. Keep calm and focus your attention on where he will appear. His powerful attack that is executed after he takes his upper guard stance is almost impossible to stop. It's unwise to go head to head with him. Use your speed and agility to dodge this attack. The phantom blades protect the knight by circling around him. Get the phantom blades out of the way and kick his ass.
The pendant that the Nelo Angelo wore was the same as Dante's. It brings back faint memories of his youth.