My forum name is: the bean My real name is: Cris Boonen My birthdate: 27 -01-1976 My occupation is: working in a big chemical plant (the same work as homer simson does) I live in: Geel (Belgium) Hobbies: Well ,playing computergames, fitness (new), being an "old" student, between the students, student-club "carpe diem" Favorite games: Secret of mana (snes), robocop (arcade), Diablo2 (pc), Chess(boardgame), magic the gathering (cardgame), seek-and -hide (mother) Favorite color: Blue Favorite books: "De tocht van de ursus - Wim Vananderoye " Favorite music: Blues, Hardrock, spiritual music Favorite movies: the matrix, starwars 4-5-6, bravehart Favorite drinks: BEER ! Favorite food: Grote familie friet-special, met daar bovenop nog videe, een berepoot en een curryworst+ 2 cola-lights I really like: BEER ! (& divinity) I really hate: people who don't give respect, control freaks, road pirates...etc My personal slogan is: Carpe diem ! Quam minimum credula postero " pluk de dag, leef vandaag, en hou zo weinig mogelijk rekening met wat nog moet volgen" This is my homepage: (nieuwe site available soon!)
the bean is the guy on the right