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Skill system

Learning Skills


As well as improving your character’s attributes to make him or her stronger, you also need to learn new skills and spells to help you defend yourself and attack with power. Each of the character types has a skill set that is geared to the three professions. These skill sets are known as Ways. There is the Way of the Warrior, The Way of the Survivor and the Way of the Wizard. Whatever your chosen profession, you begin the game with two level 1 skills from your profession’s skill set. To learn additional skills, simply click on the Skills icon to bring up the skill list window. The centre of this window shows which skills set you are viewing. To show the other Ways, simply click on the left and right bracket icons.

The skill window shows only those skills that you can choose to learn at your current level. As you gain levels, more skills become available for you to select. You can quickly view all the skills, including those you can’t learn yet, by clicking on the book icon to the left of the skill set name. As you move the mouse pointer over each of the skills listed, a description window becomes available showing you detailed information on that particular skill.

To learn a skill, you first need to obtain skill points. You get skill points when your character levels up or when you successfully complete a quest. Sometimes you get one skill point, and if you’re lucky, you might get two skill points. Each skill costs one skill point, so a skill point is a very precious thing. If you have a skill point to spend, click on the icon of the skill you want to learn and you will see the skill appear in the box directly below the skill set name box. The numbers below the box show how much skill points you currently have. If you want to learn another skill, just select another skill icon. If you decide to save up your skill points, and not learn a skill at this time, click on the box containing the currently selected skill. If you decide to learn the skill, click on the ok button in the centre of the lower part of the skill plate. The ok button will automatically change into an X if you haven’t selected a skill, and clicking on the X will close the skill plate. Although each profession has its own skill set, you can choose to learn a skill from another profession. For example, a warrior may find the survivor’s skill, Hide in Shadows, rather handy.

Click on a path to learn about it's skills:

Way of the Warrior

- Path of the specialist
- Path of the warrior gods
- Path of warrior's lore
- path of the ranger
Way of the Wizard - Powers of matter
- Powers of summoning
- Elemental powers (click to learn more!)
- Powers of body and spirit
Way of the Survivor - Path of the thief
- Path of lore
- Path of talents
- Path of the divine