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Path of the Warrior Gods


Enchant Weapon (Passive) – Allows the caster to magically charm his weapons to enhance their damage and efficiency. Only weapons which have a certain charm quality can be charmed. The charm quality of a weapon together with your level in this skill determines how much charms you can apply to a weapon. To enchant a weapon, you will also need to find or buy charms. Charms are little stones with specific runes on them which you’ll find scattered over the world. To apply a charm to a weapon, open the equipment plate and left click on the weapon. A charm plate will pop up with a number of slots. Drag the charm into on of the free slots and the charm will be permanently attached to the weapon.


Feign Death  –Allows the caster to take in the visage of death to fool his enemies. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click.


Boomerang  – Any weapon you throw is automatically returned to your hand. The weapon automatically comes back to the warrior after it hit the target. This skill does not work for bows or two handed weapons. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click on your enemy.


Shadow Warrior  – Create a shimmering shadow warrior to strike at your opponent. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click on your enemy.


Spiritual Damage (Passive) – The warrior's melee weapons are infused with the ability to inflict spiritual damage.


Reflect Missiles (Passive) – Any missiles fired at you are reflected back to your opponent.


Death Strike (Passive) – Draw on your total might and mental concentration to deliver a killing blow to your enemy.


Flash Attack  – Teleports the warrior immediately near the target. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click on your enemy.