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Sand Demon

Powers of Summoning


Summon Vermin  – Brings forth a pack of rats to attack and harass your opponents. All enemies attacking the caster must focus on the rats. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click anywhere in the world.


Summon Skeleton  – Calls on the long-buried dead to arise and fight at your side. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click anywhere in the world.


Life Leech  – Drain the vitality force from your opponent and add it to your own reserves. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click on your enemy.


Master Summoner  (Passive)– You have mastered the art of summoning and creatures you have called forth become more powerful.


Banish  – Sends those you have summoned back to whence they came. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click on your enemy.


Resurrect  – Grants you the godlike ability to bring the fallen back to life. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click on the body of a dead creature.


Transfer powers (passive) – Summoned creatures gain some of your innate passive abilities.

Summon Demonic Aide  – Summons a knight of the demonic realm to help you in battle. To use, make the skill your active skill, and right click anywhere in the world.