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Rufus Shin-Ra

Rufus Shin-Ra is the son of President Shin-Ra; the owner and operator of the most powerful company on Earth.  Rufus appears after the death of his father, and assumes the mantel of president.

Unloved by his father, and emotionless in himself, Rufus believes that fear is the most powerful method of control over the people of the world.  He has no interest in anything else than the conquest of the promised land and the plundering of the limitless Mako energy therein.

Rufus is incredibly intelligent, strong-willed and handsome, and is always a deadly adversary- especially in the game played by Cloud Strife and AVALANCHE.

The President continues his reign of terror until Rufus is killed by Weapon in his office on floor 70 of the Shin-Ra building... or so it appears...

Job: President / Vice of the Shin-Ra Electric Company
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Shotgun
Height: Approx. 6'
Birthdate: Uknown
Birthplace: Unknown (Presumed Midgar)
Blood type: Unknown


Final Fantasy Forever