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Cloud Strife

Cloud is the main character through Final Fantasy VII.  It is through his eyes you will see the world mostly.

Starting the game as a cold, emotionless mercenary, hired by Barret Wallace to help Avalanche fight the Shin-Ra, Cloud develops slowly... proving himself to be not only a hero... but also to have a strange past locked away in Shin-Ra headquarters.

So secret is this past, that Cloud has driven it out of his own mind, as his quest through the game is a quest for his own identity.

Tifa Lockheart knows that Clouds perception of his past is dubious... but it is only Professor Hojo who truly knows how Cloud was used as a test subject in the Jenova project.

After failing the entrance exam to SOLDIER, the Shin-Ra elite army, Cloud is enrolled in a bizarre course of experiments, before becoming a normal member of the Shin-Ra army.

It is Cloud who plunges the mighty Sephiroth into the Mako stream at the Nibelheim reactor when he loses his sanity, but the fight with Sephiroth is not over.

To conquer Sephiroth, Cloud must face his own past, a past which even he himself has forgotten.

Job: Mercenary (Ex-SOLDIER)
Age: 21
Weapon: Sword
Height: 5'7"
Birthdate: August 19
Birthplace: Nibelheim 
Blood type: AB


Final Fantasy Forever