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Cid Highwind

Cid Highwind is a hard, tough, cold, caring, golden hearted pilot.  Originally the best in the Shin-Ra airforce, Cid was destined to become the first man in space.

However, his assistant stowed away in the space rocket to fix a fault in the oxygen tanks.  If she did not fix them, the mission would fail... however if Cid did not abort the mission, the take off would kill her.

He made the only choice he could, and aborted the mission, destroying any chance he might ever have had of getting into space in the Shin-Ra space program.

Since then, the space program steadily received less and less funding... and Cid was left in his home in Rocket Town, with his assistant who lives in permanent apology for ruining his dreams.

When the Shin-Ra arrive in Rocket Town and try and take Cid's last remaining remnant of his dreams, the Tiny Bronco aeroplane, Cid joins Avalanche on their quest to save the planet.

When Sephiroth uses the dark materia to summon Meteorite to destroy the planet, it is Cid who is called upon to pilot the rocket to destroy this threat.

At last he is given his chance to be the first... and only man ever to go into space.

Job: Pilot
Age: 32
Weapon: Spear
Height: 5'8"
Birthdate: February 22
Birthplace:  Uknown
Blood type: B


Final Fantasy Forever