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Sephiroth was, five years before the start of our story, the greatest warrior in the Shin-Ra elite army.  Nobody truly knows the story on Sephiroth, not even Cloud who aspires to be as great as Sephiroth in the future.

Nobody, except the top advisors of the Shin-Ra corporation, and the twisted scientist Hojo, who is the new controller of the Jenova project.

Jenova, an ancient, was found and stored.  Her cells were fused with Mako and then used in experiments.  These included fusing these cells with Shin-Ra soldiers to form the SOLDIER elite.  Also this included experiments, such as those carried out by Hojo on Cloud Strife.

Hojo used these cells on his own wife to create a child; that child became Sephiroth.  On a mission some time later to Nibelheim (Cloud Strife's home town) Sephiroth learns of his past and is driven to insanity, killing all those around him.

Cloud destroys Sephiroth, by plunging him into the Mako Reactor Core at Nibelheim. 

Sephiroth however is not destroyed.  Fused with Mako, he becomes an evil life spirit, more powerful and fearsome than any could have dreamed in the worst of nightmares.

Job: Top Shin-Ra soldier
Age: Unknown
Weapon: Long Sword
Height: 6'1"
Birthdate: Uknown
Birthplace: Unknown 
Blood type: Unknown


Final Fantasy Forever