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Professor Hojo

An inward, brooding mass of complexes, Hojo was put in the position of Professor Gast, a great scientist.

In charge of the Jenova project, it was Hojo who began the bizarre experiments fusing the cells of the Ancient Jenova into normal people.

His experimental subjects included Cloud Strife... but led up to impregnating his own wife and creating Sephiroth.

Suspecting Sephiroth would try and reunite Jenova, including all those carrying her cells, Hojo followed Cloud to the reunion, before returning to Midgar to continue his studies... or so the Shin-Ra thought.

In fact Professor Hojo began disconnecting the giant Mako cannon on Midgar to try and prevent the Shin-Ra from stopping his "son", Sephiroth.

Avalanche, however, stood between him and his twisted plans... leaving Hojo to his own unique, and disturbing fate.

Job: Head of the Shin-Ra Science Department
Age: Unknown
Weapon: None
Height: Approx. 6'
Birthdate: Uknown
Birthplace: Unknown (Presumed Midgar)
Blood type: Unknown


Final Fantasy Forever