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Liquid Ice
Divine Divinity
Funny stuff
e mail

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Divinity Wallpaper curently on my desktop, click it if you want it too !


Ok, over here are some pictures of my friends (I may call you friends right ?) With some comment of my own  :o).

This list has recently been shortened due to lot's of 'don't hear anything of them anymore''s. But of course, there have been some 'Hi, how are you''s, but due to lack of photographs (or photographable people :op, ok, not !!) they aren't here yet. Some of the new friends are at the My band section. And other's will (hopefully) give me some pictures soon.


This is Lennert, also know ass Cza. I think we've been friends for a long time.  Actually he's a little bit weird ... nope, he's very weird :o), but hey, that's just the way he is. He's wearing lenses now so he looks a little different.


This is *pixie*, the girl from the beautiful sites in the Wicca section where I've been talking about.