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Whilst i'm not the most talkative person, i do have my moments..
So lets talk about me for a moment.

NAME: Nicholas Alexander Sands
DOB: 13TH April 1977
ADDRESS: Chatham. That's all you're getting from me PHONE NUMBER: As above, So here.

SEX: Well, each morning i wake up and find i am Male.
SEXUALITY: Heterosexual.
HEIGHT: 6ft 1inch when standing streight.
WEIGHT: It's rude to ask, but i'll answer anyway, I vary inbetween 15 and 15.5stone
EYES: (2 Last time i looked) Blue, but i've been told they change hue.
HAIR: Blonde, SHORT!!!
PIERCINGS: 3 in my left ear is all i have. I did think about a Bridge piercing but never went through with it.
TATTOOS: Well, i currently have two of them, One of which you can see the picture of some where on this site. The first one i got done is an Ankh, roughly an inch and a half tall and an inch wide, it is on my left tricep. The second one is a very special design, i made it myself several years ago, long before my 1st tattoo. It is a circle made from writhing triangular tentacles with the Ansuz rune in the center of it. It is located in the area between my shoulder blades, centred on the spine, and is just about 9 inches wide.
SCARS: Oh i have a few, 3 on my left hand, 2 on my left arm, 2 on my right hand, 2 on my left leg, 1 on my right knee, 1 on my upper lip and finally 1 on my lower right abdomen. Thats just the ones on the outside. ;)

GIRLFRIEND: Yup. PETS: 2 Clownfish, 3 corals, some snails and assorted CUC.

-----------MORE STUFF-----------
FAV FOOD: Garlic Chicken Pizza and also i love Humus
FAV HOT DRINK: A well made Fresh Black Coffee Or a well made Mocha.
FAV SOFT DRINK: Good ol' Cola
FAV ALCOHOL: I love Guinness, i also am partial to funny coloured things as well.
FAV MUSICAL: Rocky Horror Picture Show.
FAV FILM: Hmm, i guess that would have to be Dune
FAV TV SERIES: Hmm, it's a choice between Dr Who and Babylon 5
However, seeing as Dune and a subsequent book were made in to tv shows, i think they are just about surpassing every thing else.
FAV MANGA: Oedo 808, And also the most excellent Ghost in the Shell series.
FAV AUTHORS: Ursula Le Guin, Stephen Lawhead, Julian May, William Gibson and Terry Pratchett
FAV OLD ALBUM: GunsNRoses Appetite For Destruction
FAV SWEETS: Jelly Babies or Haribo Horror Mix
FAV CRISPS: I like all kinds of crisps, but they are best when dipped in humous.

-----------YET MORE STUFF-----------
FAV RPG: In AD&D i prefere the darker settings like PlaneScape and Ravenloft. In Sci-Fi games i like Blue Planet V2.0 and Heavy Gear. For the Modern era games i like Vampire (2nd ed) and adore Mage (2nd ed). I also love Shadowrun.
FAV COMPUTER GAMES: DarkStone, Baldurs Gate 1, Heavy Gear, Total Annhiliation, LionHeart: legacy of the crusades, any of the Legacy of Kain related games, Primal (on the ps2) and also MechCommander 1.
Also playing World of Warcraft these days, on the Steamwheedle Cartel.
FAV CAKE: Mocha Muffin or some form of coffee & walnut cake
FAV MILKSHAKE: Fresh home made with icecream whipped cream and semi skimmed milk, choc n coffee.
RELEGIOUS BELIEFS: I do not consider myself to be a religious person, but i do accept a goddess in my life. This brings about a balance between the masculine and the feminine. Balance is good. I am also in to occultism in general, i like to read and take rituals apart only to put them back together again.
GENERAL MUSICAL INTEREST: I like Most Goth, Industrial Metal. 80's rock metal (iron maiden n such like), i also like a good smattering of Black Metal, and Ambient Metal Game Soundtracks.

-----------KINKY STUFF-----------
‘SIZE’: Well, only those i sleep with will know that. Oh and their friends if they bother to talk about it.
FAV POSITION: Any really, im not fussed.
LONGEST TIME: Sorry, thats confidential.
STRANGEST PLACE: Hmm, train toilets, top deck of a bus, Donnington 1992, beach. There are to many to name.

-----------EVEN MORE STUFF-----------
FAV CANDLE SCENT: Jasmine or Cinnamon
FUTURE KIDS NAMES: I dont intend to add to the gene pool, but should it happen, then for a girl it would be along the lines of Tamsynn, Jasmin, or named after my mum. Were it to be a boy, then it might be Kai or Alexis. The woman that bears the children will have final say in the matter though.

Well, i do have a Son, i wanted to call him Zachary Kai Sands, but his mother objected, eventually a compromise was reached, and now i have an awesome 4 year old son, Daniel Kai Sands.

If you want to see what me and my friends look like then pop along to here.

If you want to see my Very out of date CV then look here

To find an insight in to my mind and the way i think, then go here
but you might not like it. Might be a bit messy for you.

You can go HOME but you don't want to do that.....