most recent poems


feb 06

dark desire

my dark love
my midnight rose
my dear azure
my true love

his is a darkness only i can see
his is a soul only i can understand
he is my dark desire
he is my twin flame
my black heart, my crystal pain

what we have is so different
what we have is so infinite
ours is something you will never understnad
ours is eternal love
a midnight rose garden
a beautiful dark place only we visit
our own secret dark desire

you think

think you know me
think you understand me
think you get it

when all you get is your limitations
all you get is your narrow mind
all you get is you

no one will ever understand
no one CAN ever understand

to be misunderstood is the greatest sorrow
and the greatest gift

your end
is my beginning
your life
is my death


my black rose

i stroll through the garden
the only light is the bright moon
shining down through my beautiful darkness
darkened green
deathly purple
bloody red
roses, thorny, beautiful
crawing along the ground
dark life
in this night garden
i come to my midnight rose
the most rare
the most unique
she is one so different
no one dare touch her
shes all alone
so misunderstood
there are few that love her that come close
but only one that can
i gaze at her
her beautiful darkness
she is my black rose


another black rose poem, inspired by the last ...

black rose

a midnight rose
the darkest of desires
a unique and unmatchable beauty
that only ONE can love
that only ONE can understand

a dark soul
an undying flame
her thorsn are the sharpest of all
you cant cross her without shedding blood

maybe you think you've seen her
or can undertand exactly what she is
but you cant
only ONE can

her petals are black silk
her leaves are a velvet green
her thorns are dangers and lethal
she is a black rose


different to be

different to be

i cant be anyone

but me

why is it his way

but i am

true and honest

this is what you see

you can never understand

how it is

different to be


infinite love

our love is forever


flowing all around


and undefinable

our love is a lake ever glowing in the light

no one feels this way

this infinite love

feel the cool water all around

this is our river of love


cold and distant

youre so far away

so far gone from me

you're gone

long past

my distant past

hard to believe you were ever here

you're so far away

so far gone from me

you're lost

never to be found

as time is gone

you are gone



green shallow emptyness

you name is hers

the lie you believe

the life you live


hate you with everything

you are all that i hate

you are all that i'll never be


hiding in the light 3.7.06

hiding in the light
waiting to escape you
waiting to kill you

ravenous and strange
green devious nature
kill you with one breath

eating your soul alive
beating your death inside
eat myself in 2

i hate this thing you are
i hate your light
give me time or give me death

the rain is coming
to drown me in you
your delusion is mine


dragon's blood 3.6.06

you think you've known hell
you havent been here
i've been to hell
i've returned re-made

outside is in
and in is out

dragon's blood
burning fast
only death remains
canyons of liberation

cats running
and screaming

the dragon's blood is everywhere
deep deathly red
forming pools all around you

a sweetly morbid scent in the air
as it cools you pick up the pieces
you put them in your pocket
proof of where you've been

as it poors you head for home
watching the cats running far in distance
you hate this place
but you cant get away
its inside you now
and the dragon's blood is always there




jan 06's



my soulmate

my bestfriend

my love

my partner

my husband


hte only one i love

the only one i will EVER love

the only one i will ever be with


he is my reason

he is my being

he is my heart

he is my soul

my other half


i love you trevor.

i will always love you.


gave myself to you

i gave myself to you

body and soul

mind and spirit

you were my first

my one, my only

i love you to death

i love you forever

i love you so deeply

you are my sweet trevor



darkness envelops me

blackest of days

they were

the darkest rose

alone in the crowd

birghtly colored or dressed in her blackness

she walked alone

no forgiving

no forgetting

the pain marches on

silver studds or hemp

all the same reflections

blackened heart

bright pain

out of the darkness

came a man

who lived in darkness too

he swept her away

and together they lived

in the beautiful darkness...


black magick

playing with black magick

i put a spell on you

i will never forgive you

i will never forget the pain

i will never sell you my soul

gone forever

is your hold on me


raging inside

the world made her rage

her pain died inside her

when the outside grew around


death of her sociality

birth of her love

black in her heart

beautiful darkness growing inside

as she raged on her way.



pounding my fist

throwing your trash away

screaming inside

i want to get out

and tear you apart

with all of my anger

and all of my rage

you will be dead

and i wll be walking on your grave



shallowness is society

growing all around you

trying to take over your life

the many who let it

are dead already


the world is plastic

and its people are too

the surface of hte earth is dead

with wooden society enveloping it


cold and empty

money, possession, fake beauty

all that people are

all that people have become




to be loved 12.18.05

the greatest of gifts
if you are so blessed
a bond so strong
creates a starry night
in a world of black

to become one
to feel
to reach into anothers soul
so deeply
locked in caress

no one knows but you
this bliss
no one sees this light
or feels its heat

when lovers entwine
wrap in eachothers arms
no one can touch them
no one can awaken them
from their passioned slumber

holding the keys to the universe
the secrets to all mysteries
love unveils your inner spirit
and gives you eternal happiness



old poems -

soulmate 1.3.03

daydreaming of you

wondering who you are

wondering where you are, what your doing


i want to know you, inside and out

i want to touch you, slide my hands over you

become one with you


i want you to know my intimate secrets

feel me in your arms,

my naked body against yours


your are my other half, my soulmate, my friend

i long for the day you will find me...

when we will be one


the dragon '02

beautiful dragon

wings brilliantly spread

all alone in your dark daydream

firey wrath

a tear in time

lost in death


psycho sexy '02

psycho sexy flavor crystal

anarchy insane

parallel lunatics

pierced warped minds


chaos and confusion

while realising pain

breaking the losers

getting psycho


waterfall mysticism '02

crystal droplets

mist in your face

drenching light and rain

blue daydream

you're covered, submerged

swimming through the clear blue water

you stand and see light and misty water falling on your face

cool, dreamy, liquid falling everywhere

falling down, falling, soaking, drenching

sunlit mist, sunlit waters

warm and cool misty spring



best of my old poems , i mean very OLD poems


society's clutches '99

an insane malestrom descends upon us

crazy shit in my front yard

the end is near

the music is over

the creature takes the light from us all

a gray clouds drifts into everyone's eyes

life is lost and my friends are gone

strange eyes follow me where ever i go

i run for my life from the creature that is trying to steal my soul


a cynic's paradise '99

pessimistic gratitude in the open air

people killing eachother everywhere

the world is in chaos

virtual disallusionment

appocalyptic end to our lives?

or perpetual hell


translucent lies fill the open air

i close my ears to protect the innocence i have left


rythmic imbalance at school, amongst society

chaotic scenes, mass hysteria, riots, looting


flickering lights '99

what will i be?

When i am gone

the long and winding road must lead somewhere

the path is faded

which way to turn?



i am in knots

i need sweet relief now, but will it come for me?

tied rope around my hands

supressing, oppressing, stressing

clouded lungs, foggy eyes, and a heart of rain

the sun has set

when will it rise for again?

a time of celebration?

rejoyce in a sea of saddness


the lizard queen '99

the lizard queen rides high

on the midnight sky

in her green veil of light

and her crown of fire

she rides the sky to her throne in the sea


when sunrise comes

she crawls to her desert

she dances in the fire, on the sands, in the sun

...waiting for her king to come...


the end '99

the end is near

to take you away

to burn you, to beat you

to rip you, to kill you

this is it

get ready


the mystical kingdom '01

the mystical kingdom

crystal waters

sparkling sunlit clouds

looking glasses and diamonds in the sky

rainbows glowing in the sun

clear droplets of dew shine

misty waterfalls

pure white flowerbuds

rain drifts across the land, leaving moss sweet and moiste

the land of perpetual morning


untitled '99

look into the eyes of the butterfly and

imagine a rainbow of joys and dreams


fucked life '01

games of fucked life

you feel love

you dont know if they do

you wanna act

but you're holding back

you're tied up

locked up, chained up


playing the same old game

of fucked life


you say you wanna be free

but you arent

no one is


you're fucked life

you're stuck in the game