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sully erna and wicca

pagan survey, created by me

magickal name: black rose
age: 25
zodiac sign: scorpio
element you associate best with: water
do you consider yourself a wiccan, a witch, or other?: wiccan, witch
what tradition do you follow? my own solitary eclectic tradition with celtic, egyptian, and noturnal witchcraft influences
do you have a particular pantheon that you work with? celtic and egyptian

do you have a patron god/goddess? yes, freyja, bastet, and morrigan/morgana le fay and odin, cernunnos, and the green man
how long have you been practicing? studying since 2000, practicing since 2002, self-iniated 2003
how did you find your path? stumbled on while researching healing stones
did you ever practice a religion before you found your current one? yes originally catholic, then studied buddhism and hinduism
do you study tarot, astrology, runes, crystals, herbs, divination, scrying, or other magickal areas? tarot, runes, crystals, herbs
do you have any familars? yes 2 cats, one female gray calico named silver moon, and an orange boy named ckaldean
do you have any favorite books or authors? (about wicca,etc.) “the enchanted cat” by ellen dugan, “ghost cats” by dusty rainbolt, “your magickal cat” by gerina dunwich, “the feline mystique” by clea simon, “phantom felines” by gerina dunwich, "the mysterious, magickal cat" by dj conway, "natural witchery" by ellen dugan, "cottage witchery" by ellen dugan, "garden witchery" by ellen dugan, 'herb magic for beginners' by ellen dugan, 'autumn equinox' by ellen dugan, "7 days of magic" by ellen dugan, "witchcraft and magick spells" by cassandra eason, "cassandra eason's complete book of natural magick", "cassandra eason's complete book of spells", "a complete guide to night magick" by cassandra eason, "ancient egyptian magick" by cassandra eason, "the modern day druidess" by cassandra eason, "a witches' halloween" by gerina dunwich, "gothic grimoire" by konstantinos, "nocturnal witchcraft" by konstantinos,"speak with the dead" by konstantinos, "vampires" by konstantinos, "nocturnicon" by konstantinos, "celtic myth and magick" by edain mccoy, “celtic woman’s spirituality” by edain mccoy, 'advanced witchcraft' by edain mccoy, "magick and rituals of the moon" by edain mccoy, "magical mermaids" and water creatures by dj conway, 'moon magick' by dj conway, llewellyn's complete book of astrology, llewellyn's spell-a-day almanacs, magickal almanacs, herbal almanacs and wicca almanacs

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legally recognised religion

"A 1986 Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals rulling reafirrmed that Wicca is a religion deserving First Amendment protection. Since that time, Wicca has recieved recognition from the Internal Revenue Service and has tax-exempt status as a legal religion" and " In 1974, the Council of American Witches, an organization that no longer exists, drew up a list-the "Principals of Wiccan Belief"... The principals have been important in giving Wicca legal status as a religon under U.S. law. In fact, the hand books issued to U.S. Army chaplains contain these 13 principals."
Taken from The Complete Idiot's Guide to Wicca and Witchcraft 2nd ed.



moon phases


author websites-

ellen dugan

cassandra eason


raymond buckland


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