art is my life and my work. its the most imporant thing to me besides my husband and my cats. this is some of my work here. i have a degree in graphic design and have had experience in various types of art- ranging from graphics to drawing to photography.

this is some of my art- photography etc...some is not mine and i have noted it.........

my digital photography/ art - me , black rose (series) , darkness (series) , pix , the cats , me and the cats , my digital art , fall series

my other art - crafts , downloads , my poetry

art i've collected - black roses , hello kitty , glitter art collection ,


i have a store, check it out!

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my gothic designs shop! check it out!!!!

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my wiccan store!

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my professional art website -

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my liquid shadows flash animation from my old site


my "vampire freaks" page - i hang here most of the time. its my fav place on the web. its better than my space, the people are freakier and its just all around better here. i put a lot of time into the design and made a lot of stuff for it including the cursor.

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my main journal - on , made the cursor/design

my "myspace" page - all my design, and the cusor too


my dead journal - friends only, made design for also, including cursor.

my live journal - friends only, made the design for it and the cursor.



my site banners - recent pieces that i am most proud of- made with the godsmack sun logo-with my colorizing- and the godsmack font. click on it to got to see more banners i made

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. this is the rollover image i use (the colorized godsmack logo) to link back to my index page.


click sun pic to go to sun art page

this is GODSMACK'S sun logo. i use the image in much of my art. i'm doing a paintings series of it. and i have it as a tattoo- orange with a black outline.



my other digital art / photography

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my icon art - click icon to view

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DIY hoodie i made -

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a design i did that a friend of mine put on a shirt and mug. its a big cat rescue/ big cat conservation design. -

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my photography



black roses

my fav flower, pix i've collected -

click the rose pic to see the black roses page




i'm a huge fan of jessica galbreth!