up date- seiraline is shut down indefinitely. but it will come back eventually we hope.

there are a lot of great groups and new organizations out there that support subculture girls and women and the girl artist, tattoo artist, designer, rocker, etc.

the first step in changing the world for females is female emporment and its something that is strongly needed within our subculture girl community. the different girl, the wierd girl, the shy girl, the crazy girl, needs support to stand up for what she believes in because this world sure as hell doesnt help her in any way. but these organizations get all of us together and will help us be known, fists high in the air. we are here and we will not be silent!

my page on seiraline - i am part of the staff

here are some links. i will be adding more -


Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

The Cover Zone