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I'm Going To Really Try To Keep This Up To Date With The Latest!!!!


Well, we can all see how well I kept up on this!! But someone recently mentioned it to me so I was sitting here tonight totally bored and lacking my guitar so I decided..what the hell...I have nothing else to do (not that I ever really have anything to do, just don't have my guitar!! LOL) what is going on in my life... Umm...Working my ass off..not spending nearly enough time on the creative stuff that , when it comes down to it, helps me breathe, live. But its time will come. Going to the LUXX show next wednesday and I have to say..I CANT WAIT!!! It will be great to see everyone again..and more than anything I totally miss the music. Anyway... off to my thoughts so if you want to know more about whats going on with me(up stairs)...Check there!

12/21/02@2:50 am:

Well, obviously I am giving this poor website a much needed face lift!! Let's see how much I get accomplished! hahaha!! I had to get on here though to rave about this great band I saw last night at the haunt. Mercy Creek. I absolutely loved them!! I am going to be adding a link to their site here very soon. They are great!! Check them out!!! Also, Kindred..I had fun!!! Have a safe drive home!! Merry Christmas everyone!! And Katie...I miss you more than ever girl!!!