What the cover promises the movie delivers, and then some

The Story Behind the Viewing.
Another SBS classic, it was just pure luck I noticed it five minutes before it started, I had no idea what I was in for. But because I was writing my notes at the same time as reading the subtitles, my description may be a little....off. Also I cant find a listing of this movie anywhere so I cant let you know who directs, stars or even what year it was released.

The Story behind the movie.


Booming Voice-Over Guy: As cryptic as the rest of his ilk.

Shogun Yoshimune: Hipcritical Despot Leader, Lech, List maker.

Shogun Munehau: Hedonistic Despot leader, Lech.

Yoshimunes Chief Magistrate Echuzen: Evil, Organised.

Captain Kotaro: Ambitious Wannabe General, Morally Challenged, Honey.

Yui: Blue LN, Leader of the Lady Ninja's, acts more like their manager.

Rui: Green LN, Plucky, Ambitious, really bad puns.

Ren: Purple LN, Bit of an Ice princess, Persistant.

Han: Pink LN, Remember the Korean chick from Priscilla Queen of the Desert? you will.

Hide, Sister Myoko & Yayoi: The abused ex-mistresses of Shogun Yoshimune, in the enviable position of being hunted and killed by every damb ninja in Japan, or taken to Edo to be publicly displayed as a whore, FUN.

Maria: The Western Ninja! She has mamaries that are several male fantasies rolled into one.


Ancient Japan

More specifically in the Edo period which strangely is also the name of a place.


The provences of the Shoguns Yoshimune and Munehau, and various swamps and forests between the two.


The plot is a actually pretty solid Political Intrigue, its only the insane way the various characters act out the machinations of the plan that make this movie the little gem that it is.

The two neighboring provences of Shoguns Yoshimune and Munehau have always been at war (as far as I can gather). And now the hedonistic Munehau has formulated a plot to expose Yoshimune for the hippocrit he is by hunting down and displaying all of his former mistresses (on rooftops no less) along with detailed testemonials for the public delection.

In order to stop this Yoshimune gets his Chief Magistrate Echuzen to order his loyal Captain Kotaro to recruit the Lady Ninja Yui (there has got to be a more direct root to ordering an excecution) and her acolytes Rui, Ren and Han to kill the three remaining mistresses before they can be dragged to Edo to be publicly humiliated (yay how great are those options).

While the Rui is reluctant to agree, Yui decides to accept because she likes money (dont we all)and it'll be a kick to work for the Shogun's, okay I think thats what she said.

After totally screwing up the first 'rescue', the mistress ends up dead and they all act really disapointed, I guess they wanted to kill her. The Munehau camp gets wind of the plan to kill the mistress's so they get recruit KISS and the that curly haired chick out of News Radio to go and fight the Lady Ninjas.

Well sort of the recruit a bunch of Magicians called the Ryssai who wear lots of makeup and act mysterious and a woman known only as the 'Western Ninja' who is really really annoying and possesses the high pitched laugh of suicide causation (actually considering some of the "Ninja Tricks" they use in this farce that ones a bit too mainstream.

Okay so mistresses are captured, killed, put into other peoples bodies, whipped (but evidently in a good way) nuns masterbate with knife throwers and the girls get full frontal as often as physically possible. Everyone crosses and gets double crossed, theres are some obscure references to Swashstica valley ninjsas, everyone runs around and is revealed as a double agent, and in the end after seeing her three understudies hideosly slain by the hippocritic shogun, she becomes his mistress, keeping him permenently dopey with a continual steam of non-stop monkey sex (I guess) and turning him into a great leader..... Yeah thats what I said.

But you and I both know damb well were not watching this for the plot or the really twisted conclusion.

Why? No this movie is made mostly for camp value, full frontal nudity and oh yeah the most f*&^$#@$%ed up Ninja tricks ever not recorded in the book of the seven rings.


There is way too much Whoa to go into (and not in good way).