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And You call Yourself a Scientist!

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Web Comics

College Roomies from Hell!

Boy on a Stick and Slither

Who can be held responsible for....



The Urban Legend Reference Page

Darwin Awards

80's Cartoons Central

Battle of the Planets


Reptile Related Links As yet the absolute best site I have found in regards to reptile descriptions and care sheets for common captive species, no listing for Tangerine Pythons though, an oversite Im sure they are soon to fix. Running a close second, the more commercial site, if you live in the US of A (which I dont) this is a good place to get started in herp stuff, lucky bastards. If you want the closest natural critter to a Tangerine Python you can get then this is your site, home of Amazon Tree Boas, look out they bite. You may also recognise an early Tang prototype there.

These are the people you need to see for all your Komodo site seeing tours, forget the whole big lizard in a cage thing. Not only do you get to see these monsters in the wild, but the boat trip and snorkling is fantastic.