Name:Heero Yuy
Mobile Suit:Wing Gundam, Wing Zero, Wing Zero Custom
Origin:Colony Lagrange Point 1
Eye Color:Blue
Hair color:Brown
Rival:Zechs Marquise
Not many things are known about Heero Yuy. Actually Heero isnt even his name at all. Heero Yuy is the name of the leader of the colonies who worked toward peace, but was killed by OZ, thus started operation meteor.
Heero is the most skilled and the coldest of the pilots. He was trained since he was young to be a pilot in operation meteor. He accomplishes his mission no matter what the cost. Such as in episode 10, when doctor J says "I surrender, but i will not hand over the gundams". Heero knew exactly what to do, so he self destructed so OZ would not get ahold of the gundams.
Altough Heero and Relena have some kind of affair, its never really shown alot.