The Zero System is a piloting system installed in some Mobile Suits seen throughout Gundam Wing. The main suits with the Zero System is Wing Zero, Epyon, and Virgo II. The Zero system makes it so the pilot no longer has to think about his mission. He will foresee the future, and know exactly what to do. It will also cause the pilot to become a little insane. The system also makes it so the pilot will complete his mission at ANY cost.
The system was tested by the Gundam scientists on Wing Zero, but they thought best to forget about it. But Instructor H, just in case, saved the Wing Zero blueprints. Later, Quatre rebuilds the Wing Zero...and the zero system is with it. Quatre then goes on a rampage, destroying colonies controlled by OZ.
The zero system can be conquered however, for Heero and Zechs have both mastered the Zero system.