Name:Trowa Barton
Mobile Suit:Gundam Heavyarms, Heavyarms Kai, Heavyarms Custom
Origin:Colony Lagrange Point 3
Family:Unkown, Catherine Bloom adopted sister
Eye color:green
Hair color:brown
Trowa is the quietist of all the pilots, and trowa isnt even his real name.
When Operation Meteor was getting started the REAL trowa barton was mad because the scientists were telling him to only limit his attacks to OZ. He got mad, and was going to report the situation to his father, but a worker in the area killed him.
Trowa happened to be watching, and offered to take the mans place in Operation Meteor, and take the heavyarms.Before, Trowa was just a mercenary.
Trowa has alot in common with Heero, silent but very skilled.
Later in the series, Trowa pilots the vayeate, but Quatre, who was on a rampage with Wing Zero, shot down Trowa, who lost his memory. he later gained it back.
although Trowa is quiet, he is among the most favorite of all the gundam pilots.